Chapter 9

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It was...
It was a raggedy old kitchen table set up as it were brand new and expensively made. It looked so beautiful. He had set out plates that actually weren't paper plates. He had a fancy looking candle lit in the middle of the table. He had even taken the cheap paper napkins and folded them like they do in those fancy restaurants where they are the neat triangles set in the middle of your plate. He had worked so hard on this. It was beautiful. "Wow, Dylan, you did all this for us to eat?" I said stunned from the beauty of the cheap dinner items set up as if they were worth a million dollars. "No, I did this for you. It is a celebratory dinner for you," he said happily. "Oh? What are we celebrating? It's not my birthday," I said questionably. "We're celebrating you getting into that dance competition, silly!" he said reminding me of earlier today at dance practice when Amelia told us that because of us doing the choreography to the EXO songs Growl and Overdose. A sudden happiness rushed through me. I had totally forgot about that. "You forgot that you got into the dance competition, didn't you?" he asked laughing at my forgetfulness. "Maybe..." I said awkwardly. "You totally forgot," he laughed. "Yeah I did," I laughed. He removed the napkins from both of our plates and set beautiful steaks onto then to replace the now unfolded napkins. "Did you cook all of this yourself?" I asked awkwardly changing the subject. "Nahh. I totally had elves come in and help me cook all of this," he said sarcastically. "Of course I cooked all of this myself!" he said laughing at my stupid question. "That was a stupid question, wasn't it?" I asked embarrassed by my moment of stupidity. "Nahh. Don't worry about it," he said sweetly. "Dig in!" he said excited to see how his food that he had prepared would taste.

I cut the steak and put it into my mouth. "Oh my gosh, Dylan. This is amazing!!" I said without realizing that I still had food in my mouth. "Well that was bad manners," I scolded myself. "Don't worry, babe. I do that all of the time," he laughed.

*After we had finished eating the steak*

"Now for dessert!" he exclaimed happily as he pulled a huge box containing a large cake out of the refrigerator. "Dessert? Did you make that too?" I asked shocked that he had gone to all of this trouble for me. "No I bought this one. But I bought icing and wrote on it so they wouldn't take weeks like they always do," he said honestly. "What does it say?" I questioned. "Read it," he instructed me.

~Good Luck, Sloane!!~

"Aww that's so sweet, Dyl," I said. "I'm glad you like it!" he said confident that I liked it. We each ate a slice of cake and then went to bed.

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