Chapter 14

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"The winner is..."

"The winner is... LOUISIANA!!!" she yelled excitedly.

Oh my god. We won. Am I dreaming?

I walked up the stairs leading to the stage with the rest of the team except I was the only with a blank look on their face. I was in shock, happy, and confused all at the same time.

When we got onto the stage, Amelia slid in between all of us to go accept the trophy, but she passed right by the intimidatingly tall and buff yet very distinguished looking man holding out the trophy. When she passed by him, everyone had a look of confusion on their face as she stood happily at the microphone after politely asking the announcer lady if she could say something before accepting the trophy.

"I know that I am the team captain right now, and the team captain usually accepts the trophy, but I have decided to step down from being team captain and I vote for Sloane to be the new team captain." she said as she smiled brightly glancing at me with a mischievous look a couple of times.

"Sloane is now the new captain of the dance team from Louisiana!" the announcer lady said as I had a look on my face that practically talked for me. My face was saying Are you serious?

Once it finally registered in my mind that I was the new captain of our dance team, I rushed over to the announcer lady to accept the trophy for the team. Everyone in the crowd started to laugh awkwardly at my reaction.

"Wow, I didn't expect this all to happen. Us winning and me becoming team captain all at once. I'm still in shock. Thank you all for this. Also, thank you for allowing me to be team captain." Everyone started cheering after my awkward unprepared speech. I chuckled softly, embarrassed at my reaction.

Once I was done with my awkward thank you's, we all shook hands with everyone on the other stage and then headed backstage to cool off while the audience left.

This is even better than that time in sixth grade when I got a 120 out of 100 on my Social Studies project! I chuckled softly to myself after thinking that.

I have never been so proud of myself.

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