Chapter 1

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Hi. I'm Sloane Hastings. I'm about 5'7, so I'm fairly taller than most girls my age but the guys on the other hand make me look like I'm an ant. I'm a freshman in high school. I'm from Louisiana, so I'm a HUGE country chick. I love to go mud riding and you can get SUPER muddy, so my shower gets hit pretty hard with all of that mud. But anyways, my two best friends are Teresa and Lauren. They are my bros, my chicas, my ... everything. I would be so lonely without them since I'm really awkward. There aren't many guys that I have a crush on. Well, except for this one guy, Dylan Dauzat, and girl can I tell you, HE IS SMOKIN'!!! He is a popular youtuber, so he has many friends. He is in all of my classes but I don't have the courage to even say hi. I think he has a girlfriend anyways. I guess I'll just forget about it since I don't have a chance. But he still has a perfect smile, perfect eyes, perfect everything. i wish I could be his girlfriend.

Country Boys (A Dylan Dauzat Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang