Chapter 10

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*During school*

"This is the boringest class I have ever had," I whined to Dylan quietly. "Boringest isn't a word, is it?" he asked correcting me. "Nahh. You know I have my own dictionary of words I've made up," I mumbled sleepily. "Sloane and Dylan, stop talking or you will get detention!" the teacher screeched at us angrily. "Yes, ma'am," Dylan and I said in unison with monotone voices. We looked at each other and started giggling quietly.

The bell rang and I let out a unnecessary sigh of relief. "Hahaha are you that glad to get out of this class?" Dylan asked while laughing at me. "Yes!" I said loudly. He kept laughing.

"Yayy! Time for our favorite class!! Art!!" he said while skipping rather unmanly. "You know that it's not manly to skip, right?" I said laughing. "Yupp!" he exclaimed happily. He really loved art. So did I. I had gotten my artwork into popular art shows downtown many times before and I have always been proud of that. Dylan calls his fine arts master since art and dance are fine arts.

*After school at dance practice*

"Okay everyone, we need to practice as hard as humanly possible for this dance competition!" Amelia said to the dance team. "They informed me that we are allowed to perform two dance routines, which works perfectly in our situation. We are going to perform Growl and Overdose as we have been, but we need to work harder than ever to possibly win this thing, okay?" she said enthusiastically and confident that we can win. "Yeah!!" everyone exclaimed.

We started practicing and I tried as hard as I possibly could. Everyone kept saying that since I was one of the best dancers on the team, I should be in the front. Amelia quickly instructed me to stand in the front of our almost perfect placement of everyone.

After that practice, I danced almost 24/7 trying to perfect my dance moves. I always danced at Dylan's house because he has a room in his house that is completely empty and he also liked to watch me but he hasn't watched me in a while. Whenever I ask him where he goes, he just tells me it's a surprise. Now what is that boy up to?

While I was dancing as best as I possibly could, he quickly ran into the room so fast that he slipped and fell onto his butt. "Why are you running so fast?" I asked him as I helped him up. "The surprise is ready!!" he exclaimed happily. "Yay! What is it?" I questioned wanting to know what it was so badly.

"It's ..."

Country Boys (A Dylan Dauzat Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon