Chapter 13

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*An hour before the dance competition *

"Are you ready yet?!?!" Dylan asked impatiently as I was getting ready for the dance competition. "Almost!!" I yelled loudly even though I was no where near ready.

I put on my team uniform which coincidentally looked like EXO's wolf 88 shirts. Same font and everything. The uniforms looked different than most other dance teams' uniforms. We made our to look like jerseys like at our school. I never really knew why, though.

*At the dance competition*

"Hello and welcome to the 2015 National Dance Competition!" the announcer lady said enthusiastically. Once she said that, all of the groups walked up to the stage. As I looked out in the crowd, there were so many people that I couldn't see Dylan anywhere. Then I saw him in the front row cheering for me. I couldn't help but smile. He told me that he was my number one fan.

Soon after that moment, each group was getting called up to the stage one by one to perform their almost perfectly choreographed dances. As I closely watched them, I started to become more and more nervous because they were all doing so well.

Suddenly, I heard us called up to the stage. "Please welcome the dance team representing Louisiana!" the announcer said happily. I walked stiffly up the stairs to the stage. I was so worried that we wouldn't even be in the top five since there were dance teams representing each and every state in the United States.

Oohhhh God, I'm going to fail so badly.

I thought to myself shakily.

I heard the music start to play as we got into our individual places on the stage.

I started to dance in my individual place that was in the front of everyone nervously but giving my all at the same time.

After we finished our performance, we all sat down in our specific assigned seats. I felt like I couldn't breathe. That took all of the breath my lungs could hold. I turned back to look at Dylan and he smiled brightly and gave me two thumbs up which made me more confident.

Once everyone had performed their dance routines, the announcer lady walked back up the the stage and said that the results will be announced in a moment, so she just awkwardly stalled so nobody would just be sitting there in awkward silence. A man walked into the stage and handed her a neatly folded envelope. "The results are in!" she said happily while everyone else were biting their nails waiting for the results.

"The winner is..."

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