Chapter 22

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It was...

It was blankets all over the floor in front of the TV. He had gotten lots of snacks and drinks and put them all together at the end of the blankets. It was so cute how he set all of this up. I was expecting something dirty. ;) Haha. He had also gotten a whole bunch of movies that we could watch.

"I figured we could cuddle all day and eat yummy snacks and watch movies," he said shyly. "Do you want to? If you don't, that's ok. I can put everything up," he said afraid that I didn't want to. He wasn't very confident about the surprise he had set up for me.

I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands. "Dyl, this is the cutest, most sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than this," I said sweetly as he smiled down at me.

"Wait outside the door for like two seconds, ok?" I asked him. He nodded and walked out the bedroom. I changed into some more comfortable clothes. I wore some of those funny print leggings. Mine had cats and cheeseburgers on it. I thought they were hilarious and Dylan thought the same thing, but he still thought that I looked cute in them. He likes it when I wear leggings because I don't have a flat butt. My friends always tell me that I have a big butt. One time, they took it as far as singing the song Bubble Butt by Major Lazer as I walked down the school hallway in front of them. It's kind of embarrassing. I couldn't decide on whether I wanted to wear one of those shirts that are longer in the back and shorter in the front or just a skin tight tube top. Both of them showed my belly and he likes that. I put on the tube top and I thought it looked ok so I just wore that.

I opened the door and told him that he could come in. Once he had walked into the room, his mouth hung open. He shut the door as he still faced me wide-eyed. He leaned against the door as he couldn't stop staring at me. He repeatedly looked me up and down. He started to walk towards me slowly, but he was so flustered by what he saw in front of him that his knees wobbled a little. "Are you okay?" I asked him nervous because he wouldn't stop staring. "Well, you've made me all flustered. You make my knees go weak. No, wait. You make my whole body go weak," he said in a low, husky voice.

He walked all the way up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You have such a nice body, Sloane. You're one of those amazing girls who have a thin stomach, but have large thighs and a big butt," he said as he tightened his grip on my waist. "Come on. Let's pick out a movie and chill," he said pulling me towards the stack of movies.

We decided on The Fault In Our Stars. We laid on a blanket on the floor with the blankets that made up the fort hovering over us. It was amazing. We smacked pretty much the whole time. He kept telling me how he loves how much I can eat. He thinks it's awesome. I call myself a bottomless pit hahah. By the time we were about halfway through the movie, he got bored. He crawled over me and smiled. He looked like those guys on tv where when they smile a sparkle shows up hahah. He suddenly attacked me with kisses and it tickled a lot. I giggled uncontrollably as I tried to push him off of me but he was a lot stronger than me so I failed. "There's nothing you can do now, is there?" he laughed. He suddenly stopped and hovered above me and stared down at me. You should really laugh more. You're so much more beautiful when you're happy and smiling," he said sweetly. I couldn't say anything because I didn't know what to say and I was also still out of breath hahah. "Also, even though I told you that you don't have to be nervous around me, I still think that you're cute when you're nervous," he said watching me carefully to see if I would get more nervous. "Are you trying to make me more nervous?" I asked him while laughing a little. "Maybe," he smirked.

He laid on top of me then lazily slid off to make me laugh. It worked. He put his arms as far around me as they would go and tangled his legs with mine. We cuddled closer than ever for the rest of the movie until I fell asleep in his arms. Before I was completely asleep, I heard him laugh a little because he saw that I was falling asleep. He got even closer to me if that was even possible hahah. Soon enough, we were both asleep. This was the most fun I had ever had.

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