Chapter 2

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*walking through the hallways in school*

*thinking* Ugh why are all of these books so heavy?

Concentrated on how heavy my books were, I wasn't watching where I was going, so I kept bumping into people. "HEY WATCH IT!!" said some random person. "I'm so sorry," I said apologetically. i need to watch where I'm going. But i didn't. I ran into someone so hard that we both hit the floor. "Oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry," I apologized. "Nah, don't worry about it. It was my fault," said an angelic voice. The voice sounded familiar, so I looked up and realized it was my crush, Dylan. "Uhh... may I ask why you're staring at me?" Oh my gosh, I was so busy comprehending who I ran into that I didn't realize that I was staring. "Oh uh sorry. You probably think I'm creepy now, don't you?" "No, I think you're beautiful," he said to me as we were both picking up all of the stuff that we dropped. I was blushing...HARD. "Do I see you blushing Sloane Hastings?" HE KNOWS MY NAME!!!!!!! Sloane he's just a boy. Chill out. "How do you know my name?" I asked without thinking. "Maybe it's 'cause I've liked you since kindergarten," he mumbled hoping I wouldn't hear him. "What was that?" I asked mockingly. "I said maybe it's because of all of our teachers calling role and me knowing what your name is from when you said here," he said confident that I didn't actually hear him. I did hear him. I spared him the embarrassment and said, "Oh ok. Well we should really get to class or else we'll be late." "Oh yeah. Here's your stuff. I'll walk you to class," he said as he handed me my phone, my purse, and a few books that I had dropped. We walked to class together and sat down just in time for the bell. I had noticed that during class, he was constantly staring at me. His girlfriend, Jessica Olson, noticed and she started to get a little jealous, so she kept giving me death stares. She's the most popular girl in the whole school, so I have nothing on her. I admit it, she's so beautiful and I'm just a potato face here. Even though she told him to stop staring at me because she's way more beautiful, he didn't rupture his gaze.

Sloane, you can't like Dylan. He has a girlfriend and he is probably a player.

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