Chapter 6

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*At home*

I turned the light on. I saw that everything was destroyed. Mirrors shattered into trillions of pieces. Couches torn to the point where the padding, stuffing, and springs looked they had erupted like a volcano out of the couch. Holes punched into walls. Refrigerator left open with food tossed out onto the floor in front of it ruined, destroyed, broken glass bottles. Shattered glass drinking cups. Even the family tree that had pictures of everyone in the family was thrown down onto the floor and it seemed as if someone had stomped on each and every one of the micro picture frames containing pictures of the family. Insulation from the walls that keeps the house warm inside was ripped from the walls and thrown across the house. It was like how you put sprinkles on ice cream, but here it was like little sprinkles of destruction blanketed the house.

I walked into my room and all of my old drawings and drawing from friends were shredded to pieces. My posters from Adventure Time and Regular Show were torn up and each character was ripped in half. My desk drawers pulled out with everything in it scoured out across the room like it was confetti. The thing that devastated me the most was an old doll that wasn't a Barbie but the same size was ruined; drawn all over, head ripped off, perfect hair ruined, everything. My best friend Claire gave me that doll because it looked like her: beautiful, blonde hair, blue eyes, Claire had one the looked like me: beautiful (not bragging), brown hair, but I think it had brown eyes while mine are blue-green. Well, my left eye is blue and my right is green, but they would never make a doll like that. But anyways, that was pretty much the only thing I had left of her.

"Sloane? Babe? Are you okay?" Dylan asked panicking. When he asked me that, I broke down to the floor crying hold the still beautiful doll in my trebling hands. I dropped the doll off to my right and punched the floor with all of my might. I accidentally hit a piece of glass and it went through my hand. I screamed in pain and from devastation. We headed to the bathroom and searched through the clutter and found the first aid kit. Dylan patched up my hand. It hurt so badly, but I went back to my room and grabbed the doll and went to the front porch. Sitting down, I looked down at it, crying.

"We are going to clean this up don't worry. I will help you, but first we need to get you to a hospital," Dylan assured me. We got up and started walking towards the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, they helped immediately and wrapped my hand in gauze. I was told that I had lost a fairly large amount of blood but it was extremely difficult for me to listen. I was too focused on how long it will take to clean up the mess that was my home.

We left the hospital once they were done and went back to my house. We immediately started cleaning. I remembered that my dad is a carpenter and that he had all of the supplies to fix the walls in the garage. Our garage is filled with so much stuff like extra wood, building supplies, and other random stuff, so we can't even try to get a car in there. Dylan helped me find everything to fix the walls. We started as soon as we found everything. It was Friday, so we had the rest of the weekend to clean up. My parents were out of town to help a family member with their sickness, they won't be here until Tuesday. Dylan worked on picking up things while I got on my phone looking for a new couch but one that looks exactly like the ones that are destroyed before they were ruined. I found everything that was ruined in better shape online. They were all almost as old as I am, so they were pretty cheap. I can get them all for $1,000.

For the rest of the weekend, we spent pretty much all of our time cleaning the house. I remembered where everything went, so it helped a lot. By the time my parents got back home everything was back to normal.

*At school*

I saw Jessica. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! YOU DESTROYED MY HOME!! YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK, 'CAUSE I'M PREPARED TO RETURN THE FAVOR!!" I screamed at her. I don't know what I was thinking, but I threw her to the ground and kneeled over her punching, slapping, pretty much anything I could do to her. I hit her so hard that she passed out. Yes, I got in trouble and was dragged off of her. She had newly manicured nails that were filed to a point, so she kept clawing and scratching me, so I was covered in my own blood from that. I got suspended for three days but I didn't really care.

I won that fight and everyone knew it. I beat you, Jessica. You can't deny me that victory. Not this time.

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