Chapter nine - Out Of The Past

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In a basement, that has three metal boxes in the centre, a door opens, Tarrlok steps in, using bloodbending to levitate the girls several inches off the ground in front of him. The girls groan as he levitates them down the stairs and into the boxes. Korra, strained says, "What are you doing?" When the girls are in the boxes, he releases his bloodbending grip on them, causing them to land, and slams the metal doors shut; aggressively. "Tarrlok!" The girls begin pounding on the door as he walks up stairs. "You can't keep us in here forever!" Tarrlok steps outside and into his vehicle and drives away. 

"Korra, if we are down here for a long time, someone is bound to come looking, and if Lila and I are missing and someone informs my mother, the fire nation troops will be sent over and they will find something." Kamira says, hopeful.

"Well, let's hope Tenzin gets us first." At Air Temple Island at dawn, a telephone rings. Tenzin and Pema are asleep with Meelo between them. Meelo sits up, rubs his eyes, and crawls over his father's face to answer the phone, waking him up.

"Who is this? It's six in the morning! This better be important!" Meelo says, annoyed.

Tenzin sits up, "Councilman Tenzin here. What?!" At City Hall, a photographer is taking a photo of the damages, Tenzin arrives and walks towards Tarrlok, who is having his arm wound healed by a healer. "What happened? What were the girls doing at City hall?"

"As I told Chief Saikhan, the girls came to my office late last night. They were upset that I arrested their friends. They asked me to release them and... that's when the equalists attacked. I tried to protect them, but we were outnumbered. Then, I was electrocuted. When I came to, the police had arrived. But the girls were gone. I'm so sorry. Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar and the princess and her royal guard."

"We need to find them before we get the fire nation involved, if Lord Zuko and Fire Lord Izumi find out that Princess Kamira is missing, I fear they will act irrationally."

As Lin is lying in bed, she is listening to the radio, "We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report. Late last night, equalists attacked city hall," Lin sits up, startled and turns the radio up to listen more closely, "Subduing Councilman Tarrlok and capturing Avatar Korra, Princess Kamira and her Royal guard Lila. Details are still coming in, b-" Lin switches off the radio. She slowly gets out of bed, pausing for a moment to groan and hold her arm. She crosses to a cupboard and opens it, looking at her Metalbending Police uniform. She stands in her underclothes and metalbends the uniform onto her body. She glances down at the police insignia on her chest and tears it off, before putting on a long coat. At the prison, Asami is lying in her back. She sits up as Lin metalbends the door off its hinges and tosses it away.

"Hope you got enough beauty rest. Come on, I'm busting you out."

"Thanks, I owe you." Mako and Bolin are standing in their cell, Mako has his back to Bolin, who is attempting to do the toilet.

"Are you done yet?"

"Cover your ears! I can't go with you listening." Mako sighs and covers his ears. He glances up as the cell door is metalbent off its hinges.

"Asami!" The two embrace and kiss.

"Ahh! A little privacy, please!"

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine! It's so good to see you."

"Hate to break up your lovers' reunion, but Korra, Kamira and Lila are in trouble. Amon captured them."

"No. No, they can't be gone!" Mako says, in horror.

"Come on, we have an Avatar, a princess and a royal guard to rescue." The three teens run from the cell. There is a zipping noise and Bolin stops, squeaks and blushes. "Your fly was down."

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