Chapter Eight - The Guide

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At the Eastern Air Temple, Jinora is playing with a dragonfly bunny spirit. "Gotcha!" She jumps around trying to catch it, but it keeps escaping. "Furry-foot, come back." The spirit returns and lands on her head, causing her to laugh, as Tenzin walks over.

"Jinora, there you are. Come on, everyone's waiting. Were you playing with someone?"

"Oh, just some... imaginary friends." Jinora giggles, as Furry-foot appears in Tenzin's head.

In the courtyard of the temple, Tenzin's family and Jasmine are gathered. Tenzin and Jinora walk toward them, as Kya is talking to Bumi. "Stop talking lies."

"It's true. I once beat an earthbender in a rock-throwing contest! I have the trophy to prove it." Bumi replies.

"All right, who's ready for an exciting tour of the Eastern Air Temple? We've got a lot to see today, including ancient statues, ancient gardens, and the meditation hall used by ancient airbenders." Tenzin informs them.

"Yay. Old things." Ikki says, bored and disinterested, as Korra, Kamira, and Lila enter the courtyard.

"Girls?" Tenzin says, in disbelief.

"Yay, their back!" The kids run toward them and hug their legs tightly. The adults walk towards them next and when the kids let go, Jasmine hugged Kamira tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Pema asks.

"And how did you know where to find us?" Kya asks.

"Tenzin's itinerary. We went over it like a hundred times before we left Republic City." Korra replies.

"See? This is why schedules are important." Tenzin says to his siblings.

"It's so great to see you all again." Lila says.

"It's great to see you too, but why aren't you training at the South Pole?" Tenzin asks.

"Wait, you don't know about the Civil War?" Korra asks, the girls all looking at each other, confused.

"What? No. We've been out of touch with the outside world since we started our vacation." Tenzin says, surprised.

"Tenzin's idea. What happened?" Bumi asks.

"So much. I-I don't know where to start." Korra replies.

"Just tell us everything!" 

"Everything? Okay. I opened a spirit portal at the South Pole, but then Unalaq turned out to be a bad guy and wanted to take control of the South, so I sort of started a Civil war, but when we went to find some help, we were attacked by my cousins, and then by a giant dark spirit, and then we forgot who we were, and then I met the first Avatar, Lila learned about her parents, and Kamira learned about the fire nation past. Then I realized I shouldn't have opened the portal in the first place, and now I need to close it again!" Korra says, really fast. There is a moment of silence and then Tenzin buts in.

"I knew this would happen." As Tenzin and Korra walk toward the garden to talk, Lila and Kamira walk towards Jasmine. 

"Hey, Aunt Jasmine. When did you get here?" Kamira asks.

"Well I was with your Mother when you were in the South Pole. I came here when they were at the Southern Temple." Jasmine replies.

"How is Mom?"

"She's fine, She asked where you were and why you hadn't come to the Fire Nation."

"I'll be sure to contact her and tell her what happened. I've missed you. I barely see you anymore now that you and Aunt Kya are travelling together."

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