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My heart throbbed crazily. How did he find out?!

"Before you were, I was." Oh, cliché. (-.-)

"You found your way to the voice transformer app. How unwise are you to think I wouldn't find out that you used a very popular app and that your mother would never sound this irrational. I'm not so bummed though. I knew you'd find a risky way out but I just couldn't tell what it would be."

"I'm really sorry, I truly am."

"Look Temi, I'm not doing all of this to make you suffer or because I hate you, I just wanted to teach you a valuable lesson," he claimed. "It's just so sad that social media keeps preying on the young ones. Once they get their hands on this thing called a phone, they never want to get involved in anything else in the real world. Temi, the virtual world is intense and if at this age you can't handle how much you're into it and what you do in it, then you become its prey.

"The people in it—most of them don't even know you. They could see you falling right into a ditch and oh my, I bet they'd pick up their phones and hit record. Now that's the world that we live in. Social media is good. Trust me, it really is but you aren't making the good out of it. Why don't you spend more time making impacts like, uh... perhaps you could teach people art, right? You're really good. Or just post your work online."

"Okay, " I managed to say.

"And Ollie—he was a really good kid... he IS a good kid—top of the class, smart, great in sports..." And cute too. "I wish I could have him back on my team as one of my top players and as one of the winning students here but it's so sad that he and his family had to leave for Abuja."

"Yeah." I didn't know how to respond, didn't want to make my feelings for him noticeable. Like he didn't already see the texts.

"Mr Isaac... umm... I just wanted to ask..."

"No, Temi, I didn't read your chats or check your phone." I could sense a smile behind those words. How'd he get so flicking smart?!

"You can come for your phone after school tomorrow and I really love doughnuts too. Wink," he said and I chuckled. "And the next time I get you using your phone in school, I'd give it out for charity. Have a wonderful evening, Temi."

"You too sir, thank you sir." I hung up.

My head was blank. I bounced on my bed and ran both hands through my thick, curly hair. I fell on the bed and pondered about all he had said.

I got to school the next day and luckily for me, Remi was right there in the class, copying some notes. I went to him and as soon as he said, "good morning missy," I gave him a knock on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"You never informed me that the app is popular!"

"Well, it is." I stood staring at him with my lips pursed and he got the message. He widened his eyes in realization. "Dang! He caught you, didn't he?"


"Well I was never in your house," he shrugged and I gave him a flick on the forehead. "Ouch! Stop that! But at least you got your stuff back right?"

"Not till after school. Dude, I got a whole therapy session last night."

"Awww, even my bad finds its way to turning into good," he bragged and I tried punching him on the arm but he caught my tiny fist.

No one in the entire universe stuck closer to me as Remi. Well literally, because he was everywhere—sitted next to me in class, living just few blocks away from me, plus he spent half his life with me; I and Remi had been friends since we were kids.
People actually thought we were siblings, partly because our names sounded alike.

Remi was tall in stature and light skinned to the extreme. He had been that way since he was a baby that everyone almost thought he was going to turn an albino.
He wore this cute pair of glasses over his already nerdy face. He was the most witty human I knew.
He was also very godly.

Remi was, in fact, the cutest guy in school and honestly, I'd have fallen for him if the case were to be that we met each other as teenagers. But we grew up together, with the mindset that we were siblings.

Then Aisha. Aisha possessed the true beauty of a Fulani breed in the northern part of Nigeria.
Her melanin skin glowed exceptionally—a typical Fulani trait.
And her hair was just something else-extremely curly and admirable.

She was extremely tall, so tall that her height nearly surpassed that of Remi who also was as tall as the Iroko tree in Mrs Beatrice's backyard. Lol.

Aisha was also a blogger and a girl child activist. She managed a successful YouTube channel with thousands of subscribers and her IG account also had tons of followers. Same as TikTok.

I had no reason to be jealous until I joined social media and realized how big of a deal that was. I had never really understood that I had been friends with a celebrity! Ish.

When she first arrived at school, she and Remi almost became best of friends but I gave no room for such. We had a huge fight before we turned friends.

Now I had a couple of online friends who made social media all that it was—intoxicating.

It was fascinating how I hadn't met them in real life but they seemed like real friends already.

Keeping a relationship online was really toxic but they added some value to my young life.



Ω An alternative of "freaking."

∆ How'd he get so flicking smart?!∆



::♥• F@Teimee

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