Part seven

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Chris P.O.V.

PJ was silent the whole way home and didn't try to engage in conversation when we got back. After a 7th attempt, I sighed and decided to give up with the small talk.

"Peej, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," he continued watching whatever was on the TV and didn't meet my eyes. I sat next to him on the sofa and saw he wasn't really watching it; he was miles and miles away with his thoughts.

"Peej," I nudged him but he didn't acknowledge that I was there. I turned the TV off and shook his shoulders.

"What?!" He broke out of his trance which apparently annoyed him.

"Talk to me!"

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"There is, you haven't been yourself all day! Just tell me what's wrong!"

"Just drop it Chris!" He launched himself off the sofa and stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed out deeply, frustrated and went into my own room, feeling my nerves increase when I had excess energy and wasn't sure what to do with it.

I decided to go for a walk. PJ needed space, so I would give him it and it would do me good to have a break from him anyway. I shoved my wallet, keys and phone in my pockets then put in my earphones and turned on my iPod. I walked out the apartment and closed the door loud enough to let PJ know I was going out.

I didn't really have any idea where I was going but I had to let off some steam before I got too agitated and I and PJ had a real argument. The London air hit my face making me feel refreshed and I welcomed it with open arms.

When I realised I was close to the train station, I decided to have an adventure for a few hours to a place I'd never been to before. I swiped my Oyster card and walked through the gates looking at the Underground map. I decided on my destination and got on the next train, cringing when I was squeezed in between a load of people.

When the train stopped at my chosen station, I stepped off onto the platform, feeling grateful that I now had space to breathe. I followed fellow passengers to the gate where I swiped my Oyster card again to be released.

Walking out of the station, I took in my surroundings and noted that the sky was getting a bit darker. I checked the time on my phone: 5:53pm. I hadn't left our apartment that long ago but I hoped PJ was feeling a bit better.

I pushed him out my mind and with my hands in my pockets, took off in any direction.

After walking for 45 minutes, I was slightly disappointed to find this part of London was no different to any other. Although I wasn't sure what I was expecting, walking on clouds and diamonds for roads maybe? I chuckled lightly at my lame joke and took my place on the nearest bench.

I turned off my music and just allowed myself to think, not scolding myself for any thought that entered my mind for a change.

I found that a lot of them focused on PJ, smiling to myself as an image of him flashed through my mind. The curls in his hair, that cheeky smile, and those eyes...

* * *

I yawned as I entered our apartment four hours later, throwing my keys onto the kitchen side. Thoughts of PJ had consumed my time quicker than I thought possible and almost three and half hours after I had sat down on the bench, I had found myself in the comfort of darkness.

Noting that the tension in the atmosphere had died down, I decided to check on PJ. I saw that the place looked exactly the same as I left it so he probably didn't leave his room once in my absence.

"PJ?" I knocked on the door but didn't get an answer. I silenced my breathing to try and hear what was going on inside. I could make out some muffled sobs and I suddenly felt guilty for leaving him here on his own for so long. I mentally prepared myself before getting a grip on the handle and opening the door. "Peej?"

There inside I found him curled up on his bed crying, clutching a pillow to his chest.

"Oh Peej..." I sat in front of him on the bed and used all my strength to pick him up so I could hug him properly. He accepted my offer when he realised what I was doing, burying his face in my chest.

He still didn't tell me what was wrong and I didn't know what to say to him, so I hugged him tighter instead, drawing random patterns on his back to try and soothe him.

After a while I began to ache so I released him. PJ looked at me with bloodshot eyes, looking exhausted.

"I'll get you some water, lay down," I told him. He snuggled down and pulled the duvet over himself, not saying a word. I gave a small smile and left for the kitchen, getting a bottle of water. I put it on his bedside table and saw his breathing had already got a more slower and deeper. "Night Peej," I whispered.

I jumped out my skin when something grabbed my arm and looked to see it was PJ's hand.

"Stay," he croaked. He moved up and gestured for me to get in bedside him. Doing as I was instructed, I got comfortable and put my arms around him as he snuggled in closer to me.

After a few minutes he dropped off, his steady breathing suddenly allowing thoughts in my mind to swirl.

I had no problem comforting him, but I did have a problem with him not telling me what was wrong, it was worrying me, but I knew I had to stick by him anyway. After all, we were best friends. I cringed.

Best friends.


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