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She was only informed of the meeting an hour before it occurred. She knew the meeting was going to take place. She simply didn't know when or where. All she knew was she'd get a message informing her of the meeting.

And so, late in the evening while checking her emails she noticed a new message pop up. The email used a Protonmail account, so it could not be tracked. The message was simply a time and an address. Nothing else.

The woman knew she could not allow her benefactor's wait. They weren't the type of people to take kindly to latecomers. She quickly got out of her evening gown and donned a pair of black pants and a grey dress shirt. To top everything off, she put on her black velvet coat – she knew everyone who saw her wear it was incredibly intimidated.

She had quickly risen through the ranks; first as a gym leader, then as a member of the Elite Four. This year she obtained the rank of Champion. People said she was the greatest Pokémon trainer the world had ever seen.

"Spiritomb," she remarked, "I think it's time we made a trip."

The old keystone slowly moved before her, the purple spirit rising from the stone. This was her protector. It would do anything to shield her. She knew very well she needed her toughest Pokémon at this meeting, just in case. Although she knew she probably wouldn't need it, she still didn't trust her benefactors. Although they had already put so much effort and attention into her, she knew they could at any moment pull the rug out from under her. She wasn't sure if she could survive the fall. People ever survived a fall like that.

She quickly tied up her black combat boots and made her way to the car. The chauffeur was waiting to drive her to the location – the benefits of being a champion, she pondered. She rarely had to walk anywhere, unlike in the old days when she had to travel from town to town on foot. Although she missed those days, which were simpler, her feet didn't miss it.

The chauffeur drove her out into the countryside, and eventually to an estate. A large mansion stood at the top of the hill, looking down foreboding. At the front of the estate were large golden gates, with two letters embroiled at the top: 'G' and 'R'. They were written very fancily.

She laughed, somewhat. Funny how even the biggest villain could hide in plain sight. Typical of her primary benefactor – the person she was about to meet. A guard and his Growlithe approached her – a touch in hand. The Growlithe was snarling, ready to attack at a second's moment.

"So, who do we have here," the man said. He wore a black uniform. The only thing written on his shirt was two letters: 'T' and 'R'.

How the authority didn't realize, the woman could never understand. She knew her benefactors had ears and mouths of high places, so she wasn't all too surprised how he could flaunt his criminal activities.

"I'm here to see your Boss," she replied.

"Oh?" the man sounded confused. "We were not informed of your arrival."

"Tell Giovanni I'm here to see him."

The man wasn't too sure what to do. He called on his radio. Someone replied although it was difficult to tell what they had said.

"It's all clear," the man responded. "You can go in. Giovanni is waiting for you in his study."

The chauffeur drove the woman right up to the front of the mansion. The woman got out. A butler was ready to greet her. After polite greetings, the butler led her to her benefactor's study room. The moment she entered the room, a man in a dark grey suit turned around to address her.

"Cynthia!" he exclaimed. "It's great to see you again. Please sit down."

The woman did as she was instructed.

"You called for me," Cynthia commented.

"That's right," Giovanni approached her with a glass of wine in his hand. A Persian rubbed against the man's leg. When the cat-like Pokémon stared at Cynthia, it was with intense eyes as if it hated her entire existence. "I have a favour to ask of you."

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