Chapter 25: Villainy Revealed

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Harper walked under an overpass before walking into the vibrant Nimbasa City. She wiped her eyes in disbelief. She had never witnessed something so amazing, astounding, or marvellous before. She was so startled that she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There were so many lights here and there. The city was so bright Harper was sure it could be seen even on a misty smoggy dark night.

Around the city, there were different buildings here and there of many varieties. The first one that showed Harper's interest was the theatre where musicals were staged. The building was colourful and had all different things on its roof. This ranged from a bright yellow star, a fake massive film camera just like the ones seen in the movies, and a giant golden musical note.

"Let us go watch a show first," said Harper dashing towards the theatre.

Her friends followed her as she entered the building. The entrance had a gold-plated staircase in the centre of the room that lead up to the main theatre. Harper approached the ticket booth and brought two tickets, one for her and one for Pedro. She wanted to reward him for all the good things he had done for her in the past few months that they had known each other.

Down the stairs came another guy, about the same age as Pedro, who also looked extremely hot. He had pale skin and black spiky hair. He wore a black suit with a tie and fancy-dress paints. He slowly wandered down the stairs. He had only one person he had his sight on, and it was Harper. She started to feel flatter. She liked that she had yet another admirer. She had battled lots of people so sup he was starting to become a somewhat celebrity trainer in Unova.

"Sup," he told her while he slowly and politely towards Harper, "My name is Yorick Zander, but you can just call me Yom."

"Please to me you Yom," said Harper as Yom approached

"May we have a Pokémon battle?" he asked her.

"I would really be happy to have battled with you," she told him. "I've caught a new Pokémon and I really want to try him out. I only caught him some time ago and have not battled him yet."

"If that is the truth then I'll go easy on you so that you can try out that new Pokémon on me," said Yom.

Since the entrance was not that crowded, they decided to have the battle there. Harper took out a Pokéball and lifted it into the air. Yom did the same thing with his balls.

"How many Pokémon are we using?" asked Yom. It was important to ask how Pokémon were being used before a battle. Only criminals would keep throwing Pokémon at poor unsuspecting victims.

"Only one," said Harper.

"Okay," said Yom gentlemanlike.

Although he had brought out two Pokéballs for a double battle, he respectfully put one of those balls back into his paints.

"Superior," Yom said, "you can come out now."

"Sandile," said Harper, "time to prove your worth."

The Superior was a grass-like green serpent that was at least ten feet tall. It was incredibly massive. It had darker green and bright yellow vine-like patterns on its body. Its yellow pointed ears moved here and there listening to the surrounding areas.

As quick as lightning, the Serperior lurched into the air, and crawled up in a wheel-like position before dashing down onto the ground. With massive strength, it struck the Sandile, knocking the other Pokémon back. The Sandile appeared dazed and confused. Not knowing what was going on, the Sandile tried to swipe back but it was unsuccessful and only instead hurt itself in its confusion. However, it didn't knock itself out and was still able to fight.

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