Chapter 26: A Battle of Ice and Fire

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It was mid-afternoon when Harper and Brandon arrived in Alola. Harper knew they were close to land when she stared out of the window and noticed Wingulls and Pelippers flying outside. She remembered how Brandon explained to her how these bird Pokémon were mainly found near coastlines. Wingulls were known to scavenge about for food and were commonly seen outside fish 'n' chip stores. Although owners of these stores found them annoying, patrons would throw a chip or two at the birds, with which the Wingulls would gobble up the meal greedily. Brandon explained all of this while they looked out over the harbour in Castelia City.

She was starting to miss Unova. Although not her place of birth, she was beginning to grow attached to the region. Harper enjoyed the few months she spent in Unova and hoped to return one day. But she knew she had a task to do; given to her by Professor Oak. She had to investigate these wormholes.

During the plane ride, Harper asked her friend Brandon what he knew about wormholes. He was the best person to ask; he usually knew random information like that. Harper always questioned how he could remember so much.

"I thought wormholes form only in space," Brandon confessed. "I remember reading an online encyclopaedia on it once. You can travel from one space to another – millions of light years apart. But how it works, and why it's occurring in Alola, I can't answer that."

"Thanks for explaining wormholes for me, though," Harper said. "That stuff is too complicated for me. Why the professor entrusted us with this task, I don't know."

"We're good at investigating things," Brandon laughed. "Plus, I'm sure there will be some scientist in Alola that can help us with this stuff. I heard there's a research facility. It's built on an artificial man-made island. I read it's a haven for Pokémon, and alike."

"Perhaps that's the place we should start," Harper suggested.

"Maybe we should talk to the professor first," Brandon replied. "I heard the guy is rather good-looking. I wish I looked like that."

Harper had seen a photograph of the professor. She was surprised when she found he never wears a t-shirt and instead goes around bare-chested. Something like that would be scandalised back in Unova. Everyone back in Unova preferred business coats. Alola was far more relaxed. That was kind of expected for a region in the middle of the ocean.

Before boarding the plane, Harper read up about Alola. According to the article she read, the Alola region was made up of four main islands, with hundreds of smaller islands scattered nearby. The Island they were going to first was Melemele Island, which was the island the professor lived on. Melemele Island only had two major settlements - Iki Town and Hau'oli City. Although about the same size as Castelia City, Hau'oli City was less densely populated. Harper read how the city was famous for its cuisine, including Masalas. She looked forward to eating some of the food. They sounded very tasty.

The plane began to descend, and everyone felt a thump when the plane landed. Alola didn't have a major airport like other regions, so they landed in a field nearby Iki Town. Harper and Brandon hopped off the plane. Harper could feel the heat blaring down at her. It was far warmer than she was expecting. She had packed a jumper, just in case it was cold. But now she was feeling foolish for even packing that.

The paddock next to the field was full of Miltanks. The pink cow-like Pokémon would eat the grass. Once a day they were milked by the farmers, using their four nipples. In the other paddock had Wooloos, sheep-like Pokémon native to the Galar region – Harper hoped to go there one day.

Waiting on the field was a bare-chested man wearing a lab coat. Harper recognised this was the professor of the region. Next to him was a girl about the same age as Harper and Brandon. She was wearing a light pink dress and a large, brimmed hat. She was holding tight to a bag that was shaped like a Pokéball.

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