Chapter 12: Nacrene City Showdown!

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They arrived in Nacrene City just before the sun was going down, when only dark and dangerous Pokémon roamed through the routes. They decided it was safe to stay at the Pokémon centre for the night so that they could plan their next move. The city itself was built out of old sheds built a hundred years or so ago. There was a kind of an arty feel about the town. It was very alternative and hipster-like. As they entered the Pokémon centre, they noticed how many backpackers there were. Almost all of them wore large backpacks, whether blue or red. When Harper left home, she decided to pack light and only used a sachet. It was Brandon that was looking goofy and foolish with his massive bright yellow backpack. He kept most of the food there he explained. He even packed a tent even though they spent most of the night in doors. He said he did that just in case.

"Hey guys," said the nurse really excitedly. She seemed to be bunching off the walls as if she had drunk many cups of coffee or even V energy drinks. "Want to know a secret?"

"Yeah, you bet you," said Harper, interestedly. "What's your secret?"

"There's a cool café in this town that serves cool energy drinks called WANDO! It's dah best drink ever," she said excitedly. Harper now knew why she was so jumpy and ready to do anything but heal their balls. "And dah best part is..."

"What is it?" Brandon said excitedly as well. Harper could tell that he was a really big fan of energy drinks. "Come on, come on, and come on!"

"...THEY GIVE OUT FREE DRINKS ON WEDNESDAY!" she said. "And dah best part is..."

"What is it?" Brandon as well was getting jumpy, maybe even worse than the nurse. "I want to know. I can't take it any longer! Please tell us!"

"...TODAY IS WEDNESDAY!" she said, as she rushed out the door as fast as she could, ignoring that she had trainers there waiting to have their balls healed so that they could go out and use their Pokémon to battle other Pokémon.

"Looks like we won't be getting Pokémon heal anytime soon," remarked Pedro as he scratched his curly hair in confusion.

"How about we just follow that nurse - from the sounds of it, it does sound interesting," Harper commented.

"Yummy, yay and yay!" said Brandon, jumping about, pushing his backpack into other people. "Oh; sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It won't ever happen again."

"You better not do it again, or else," said another backpacker – who was wearing a red backpack.

So, they quickly got to the café, like knights during the Middle Ages seeking adventure and glory! They had to ask for directions since they had only arrived in that town that evening, but they were able to find the café in no time. Like the rest of the buildings, it was built in an old warehouse. They entered and found themselves on the second floor, which the first floor going into the basement area. They were able to see the first floor from the second floor by a balcony. They approached the bartender, who was some guy a few years older than them – around 18. He had a loose jean jacket on and he had cool stubble on his chin. He had brown wavy hair and he looked pretty cute.

"Hey," he said with a sexy kiwi accent, as Harper and her friends approached. "What can I serve you?"

"One of those energy drinks?" Harper said blushingly. She couldn't believe how hot the guy was. But she had to keep an appearance since she didn't want to embarrass herself. "I heard it's Wednesday."

"Of course," he said, snapping his fingers. "The drinks will be on the house."

"Yay!" said Brandon. Harper blushed.

"That's my friend," she said apologetically. "He can be like that... sometimes."

"Yeah," the guy said. "We have a few of them like that before. Some nurse came in here. She keeps coming in and buying more WANDO! And I don't think it's good for her job."

Pokémon: Legends EnamorusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora