Chapter 1: Harper's First Pokémon

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The sun began to rise over Pallet Town. The golden glimmer slowly crept up upon the mountains, enveloping the snow-capped peaks with the blaze of sunlight. A Hoothoot cried one last time, most likely to return to its nest after a hard night of hunting. The owl-like Pokémon were rather busy this time of year. Although not freezing by any sense of the word, the cold air would give anyone the chill if they weren't well prepared. The northern reaches of the region could be like this, especially since it was near the region's mountainous area in Johto.

By now, the sun had reached high enough in the sky to reveal its circular shape. An orange haze spread down to the town below; its light awaking the Pokémon that tread during the day. A Raticate yawned, checking her young litter of Rattata. She'd given birth only a few days ago. Her babies weren't ready yet to explore the open grassland, let alone leave the nest. Knowing they needed to be fed, the Raticate stood up, stretched, and then proceeded to wander outside. The rat scurried across the road, dodging the passing cars. The Pokémon was able to blend in with her environment; her greyish fur camouflaged with the black tarmac.

She soon came across the large field. She was sure to find all sorts of berries here. They usually dropped near a tree near Professor Oak's laboratory. Although the locals would shoo the Pokémon away, the Raticate knew she could risk it, if only to find a few berries for her young. If she was lucky, the rat-like Pokémon would find leftovers from the local schoolchildren; uneaten sandwiches, sweet lollies dropped on the ground by foolish children, and a bag of chips, just to name a few. She made her way to a tall tree. Occasionally a berry or two would drop from one of its branches. The gentle breeze of the wind would now and then shake the tree, allowing for a berry to drop down below. To her luck, a berry had already fallen. She approached it, curiously, checking to see if any dangerous predators were nearby. There was usually a Litten nearby, ready to pounce on any unsuspecting victim. Once she was sure it was all safe, the rat reached out and picked the berry up, using her mouth to drag it along. It was heftier than she'd thought. They weren't usually this heavy. She was about halfway back to a nest when she heard the stomping of large footsteps. The ground began shaking violently, as the herd of Tauros grew closer and closer.

In the borough of Pallet Town, there was a teenage girl who was about to go on an amazing Pokemon adventure. She lived with her mother and her mother's pet Meowth.

Harper couldn't wait for tomorrow. She was so jumpy that she was like a hyperactive child that wasn't on Ritalin. Her mother had told her to stop jumping on the bed but she ignored her. She thought about what type of Pokémon she would get. She wanted a Pikachu. Its thunder ability could shock anyone. It would come in handy if someone annoyed her. Then she remembered that she always wanted a Squirtle. Some days it would get really hot and she would love to have a Water Pokémon to cool her down whenever things heated up. And it would come in even more use whenever flamers came to attack her.

"Are you sleeping?" asked her mother.

"Nope," she replied. "I'm just too excited to get to sleep."

"Make sure you do," she replied. "You have a very long day tomorrow. You will choose your Pokémon so you should be alert when you choose your very first Pokémon."

"Ok mom," she answered.

"Night," her mother said.

She laid down on her bed. She tried to get to sleep but the thought of her getting her first Pokémon kept running through her head. She simply couldn't get to sleep – she was too excited. She wondered what it would be like if she had a Bulbasaur. She could whip her opponents into shape before whipping their butts. He could grab things for her since she wasn't tall like the other girls. Although she was allergic to plants, she could easily take some antihistamine to stop her from sneezing. And then she remembered Charmander, the strong Fire Pokémon starter. She knew it would be difficult to train a Charmander due to its rebellious nature, and since the first gym leader has Rock Pokémon which are strong against Fire Pokémon, choosing Charmander might not be the best choice. It was easier to choose a Water Pokémon as her starter Pokémon. But Charmander could set a house on Fire which could come in handy if she ever came across Team Rocket. She didn't want them to steal her Pokémon so she had to do whatever it took to stop them from doing that.

Suddenly she fell asleep. The dream was rather pleasant. She was battling an opponent with all four of the starter Pokémon. Pikachu was sending a shot of electricity towards a Pidgey, which the shock going just above the ground before zapping up at the Pidgey, striking it, causing the Pidgey to fall to the ground. Bulbasaur was using its vine move to grab hold of a Gloom, slamming it back and forward from wall to wall making its head hurt and causing it to have brain damage.

"Get them all," yelled Harper from a pillar. On the other side of the battlefield, she could see another person on the other pillar.

"How about this," shouted the other trainer. He grabbed two Pokémon balls and threw them into the battlefield. Out came a Throh and a Sawk.

"Squirtle and Charmander," she yelled back. "Go get them."

Squirtle burst a blast of water at the Throh but it managed to dodge the attack. The Throh started to charge at her Squirtle before jumping up into a sidekick. Quickly, the Charmander used its Karate knowledge to punch the Throh out of the way before blasting a ball of fire at the Throh. The Pokémon fainted. Suddenly out of nowhere came the Sawk with a super punch knocking the Charmander back at a wall. Luckily though, Squirtle was very quick and managed to blast a water squirt at the Sawk knocking the Pokémon out.

"And Harper is the winner," said the referee. Before Harper could brag about her victory, she woke up realizing that everything was a dream.

"Time to get your first Pokémon," said Harper's mother.

She quickly went to Professor's Oaks Pokémon lab. His lab itself was pretty big. There were many rooms to keep Pokémon in which he could look after. There was also a big field for the Doduo, the Tauros and Ash's Krabby. She walked into Oaks' office.

"Hello," she said. "I'm here to choose my first Pokémon."

"Come and pick then," he replied. He showed her three Pokémon balls.

"I choose Squirtle!" she said holding a Pokémon ball. But nothing came out.

"Already been taken," he said.

"Then I choose Bulbasaur!" she said holding a Pokémon ball. Yet again nothing came out.

"Sorry, that's been taken as well," he said.

"Okay, I will choose Charmander!" she said holding a Pokémon ball. But nothing came out but a puff of smoke from the lingering aftereffect of the Pokémon.

"Already been taken as well," he said. "But there's always the backup Pokémon."

Harper picked up the fourth Pokémon ball that had just appeared. "I choose Pikachu!" she yelled. The Pokémon ball started to shake and everything started to light up. She felt very excited. But the ball opened showing nothing.

"Woops," he said. "I forgot. That's been taken as well."

"Is there another Pokémon?" she asked.

"Yep," he said. "But this guy is weak."

"I can at least catch another Pokémon if this Pokémon isn't that good," she said. "But this can at least get me through my first gym battle. Okay, show it to me."

"Here," he said, handing her a Pokémon ball.

"I choose..." she said as she holds the ball in her hand. Everything started to light up. The ball opened and out came a Pokémon.

"Tepig," said the Pokémon all excitedly.

"A tea pig?" Harper said all puzzling...

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