Chapter 17: Café Sonata

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Harper walked through the gates and onto the road that ringed around the city. As they walked down the street, she admired the massive skyscrapers. They were huge and enormous. Harper was always brought up in the country, so she had never seen a building that big before, but she had seen plenty of pictures of them on the internet. However, she had never thought they would be this big.

Brandon looked more excited. He was really obsessed with the very tall building. He was a bit of a nerd about it all. Harper remembered once when they were back in Pallet Town how Brandon would chew her ears off on how awesome buildings are. She had learnt a lot from this. For example, the tallest tower in North America is in Canada, and there is an even taller building in the United Arab Emirates. He always wanted to go up a tall tower and now he would get his chance. Due to this, he become very excited about it. He looked very pleased with himself.

"Oh, my goodness!" he screamed with joy! "I cannot wait to climb one of those towers. Just like King Kong."

"You're not going to do that for real?" Harper said shockingly. She wondered if her friend was being serious or not. Bronson sometimes said something as if he meant it but really, he was only joking about it. This was one of those occasions.

"No!" he said defensively. "I'm going to do it legally. I've paid to do it safely, just like what they did in that Mission Impossible movie."

"Have fun," said Pedro, as he waved Brandon off. Brandon ran off excitedly. "Now my love, how about we get some dinner? Let's call it a date – your choice of restaurant."

"I heard that there is a really romantic one named Café Sonata. How about going to that one?" Harper asked politely. She couldn't imagine she would have a boyfriend like him.

"That is a very good idea," he congratulated her. "Don't you worry? I will pay! Tonight, you will have the most romantic night of your entire life!"

"Wow," Harper said, now getting the butterflies. "You do know how to flatter a woman. You're the gentlest of all men."

"Only for you, direly," Pedro said, taking out a rose and handing it to her, "only for you." And he kissed her gently on the cheek.

They walked lovingly to Narrow Street, which was some boutique backstreet. There were a few nice guys in suits next to a rubbish tip that waved at them – they looked very friendly. Although the street was not lighted up so much, Harper and Pedro were able to find their own way to the café. Suddenly some guy jumped out from the dumpster and smiled at them.

"I've lost my glasses, but you can have this!" he said very friendly. He seemed like a nice person. "It's called Flash. If you teach it to one of your Pokémon, then you will be able to light up even the darkest street."

"Thank you very much," said Harper, smiling back politely.

They entered Café Sonata. It was a jazz bar famous for its jam scene. Musicians from all around the world would go there to get their big start. There was a guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt blaring out trippy bluesy notes from his saxophone, while a man leaning against a giant amp plucked away at his guitar, performing some bar chords, which a few tricky and impressive rifts here and there. The drummer could've easily been mistaken for John Bonham. The guy hit the drums like a hammer yet remained in time the entire time. They were truly impressive.

The manager walked up to greet them. He was wearing a smart buy casual business suit. He wore dark-tinted sunglasses.

"Lemonade," he asked, "one free for everyone that comes into this store!"

"Thank you," she said politely, graciously, and course of action.

"You are welcomed," he said, handing her a glass of lemonade.

"This is great service," Pedro remarked, "but not as good as you." He kissed her on the cheek. Harper smiled. Everyone in the café stood up and clapped. Harper and Pedro looked like a perfect couple.

"Now here's your lemonade," said the manager handing Pedro a glass too. "Now what can I serve you two?" He stood there gracefully, waiting eagerly to hear their decision.

"Unova style pizza. I heard they're legendarily tasty, especially with black olives and pepperoni," Pedro said to the manager, before looking at Harper for her answer. She blushed and replied.

"I want what he's having." She hated to admit it, but she wasn't that original at times. But nonetheless, it sounded very tasty. She heard it was covered in layers of different types of cheeses.

"I will tell the chef to cook these as fast as possible," said the manager before leaving. Suddenly the man that played the saxophone came down to them, to talk to them.

"I'm also a Pokémon trainer and so is my guitarist. You two looked very sweet together. Just to prove how well of a couple you are, may I ask to battle you two in the double battle. I'm sure the manager won't mind the mess after all of this," he said – and that was a good question: what does happen after a Pokémon battle?

"Ok," said Harper. "Are you ready Pedro?"

"As ready as ever!" her boyfriend replied.

"Tepig," Harper said with much pride, "Don't be shy! Come out of your Pokéball and play!"

"Mudkip," said Pedro, standing up, "come and do your absolute best!"

"Basculin, come out!" said the saxophonist.

"Petilil," said the guitarist. "Let's do some chords! It's practising time!"

Petilil started to obit the Mudkip, which made the Mudkip very nervous. The Mudkip tried to get away from the Petilil, but the Petilil was very persistent, and there wasn't anywhere for the Mudkip to go. Mudkip slashed the Petilil which caused it to lose half of its health. But it wasn't enough. The Petilil then started to glow, and suddenly glowing orbs floated from it and entered Mudkip. It was using Giga Drain, which made Mudkip faint – knocking it out. The added effect was that the Petilil was able to heal itself at the same time.

"Oh, man! I should have chosen my Pokémon better!" explained Pedro complainingly.

"You're right about that," said the guitarist. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yep, clear as crystal," joked Pedro.

Tepig stared at the two other Pokémon. It knew perfectly well that it didn't stand a chance against these two, but it knew it had to try. It could easily defeat the Petilil, but not the Basculin. It charged in between the Petilil and the Basculin. The Petilil attempted to throw a Grass Knot at the Tepig but missed. Instead, the attack hit Basculin, and because it was of the water-type Pokémon, the Basculin was knocked out due to the grass-type attack. Harper could believe what she saw. A Pokémon had been knocked out by a Pokémon on that same team! Tepig swiftly blasted a fireball at Petilil, knocking it out.

"Well done," said the manager. "You really entertained our customers. You'll get your meals for free. Well done you two. Enjoy yourselves." Harper and Pedro bowed to everyone else, before shaking the hand of those they had just battled. Feeling that they had enjoyed themselves, the saxophonist and the guitar continued jamming.

Harper and Pedro finished their meal. They thanked everyone, including the chef, for such a great meal. Pedro was right, it was the most romantic night Harper had ever experienced.

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