Chapter 9: The Grand Plan of Ghetsis

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Harper, Brandon and Pedro rushed to the Dreamyard. Her heart was pumping as fast as a pool pump, cleaning the water of all forms of germs. Cress came with them along with his two other brothers. As they entered the courtyard of the Dreamyard they noticed the weeds that covered the walls and entrance to the damaged building had been cut away, and in the middle of the ruined building stood the man Harper bumped into the day before. Harper realized where she saw him before – he was the same guy that was trying to rally the trainers to release their Pokémon in Accumula Town. Around him stood his minions, an army Team Plasma grunt.

"Finally, you come to hear our grand plan," he snorted out. "Here you will learn of our cause, our way, our suffering, our Pokémon's suffering, and from that, I will hope you join our cause."

"Never!" yelled Pedro. "You're a bunch of radicals."

"Yes!" Cress added in. "I've lived with Pokémon all my life. Never will I release my Pokémon just because you think it's cruel. When Arceus created this world, he gave us full dominion over animals and Pokémon. I will never listen to such a fundamentalist like you. Begone, and disappear from our sights!"

"You haven't listened to our cause yet. Let us speak," the man said.

"Ok," said Harper. "But be quick."

"My name is Ghetsis," he said simply. "We are Team Plasma. We believe that keeping Pokémon is against their natural rights. We are an animal liberation group and we want to free all animals. We also believe that everyone should be forced to become vegetarian. We already know you will not listen to us right away, and that is why we are going to use this powder from these Munna and Musharna that will aid in our grand plan!"

"What is your plan?" Harper asked.

"To turn every single Pokémon into a Zombie so that they will disobey their trainers forever and ever. You all will have no choice but to give up your Pokémon and let them live a free life in the wild!" he laughed evilly.

"We won't let you get away with this," yelled Pedro. "This is just illegal! You'll be arrested for this!"

"My minions will get in your way so that I can escape." Suddenly, Ghetsis used a smoke bomb to disappear. The Team Plasma members took out their balls and threw them onto the ground. Each trainer on Harper's side battled a Team Plasma member.

Harper's Tepig charged at the Team Plasma's Purrloin. The Purrloin tried to swipe at Tepig, but Tepig was able to use its ember blast at it, knocking it out. Yet another two Purrloin joined into the battle, swiping at Tepig. Suddenly, Pedro's Zigzagoon jumped into the battle and tackled one of the Purrloin, knocking it out. This gave Tepig the chance to bite the other Purrloin, knocking that one out as well. Harper's Audino came in to heal both pokemon so that they were full health ready to take on even more of Team Plasma's Pokémon.

Harper's Pansage and Brandon's Bulbasaur and Sandshrew were taking down one Patrat after another as they charged at them. Suddenly a Poliwhirl and a Hypno came out of nowhere. Hypno used its pendulum to make Pansage and Sanshrew fall asleep. Bulbasaur managed to wrapped its vines around Hypno and smashed it to the ground, knocking it out. Bublasaur kept trying to grab the Poliwhirl but the other Pokémon was able to hit the vines away. Bulbasaur was able to punch the Poliwhirl, but nothing was affecting the massive Pokémon. Suddenly out of nowhere came Augusta's Nidoking

"Were you going to keep ME out of the action," Augusta chuckled thankfully. "It's time to kick some Team Plasma butt!"

"I'm glad to have your assistance," said Harper.

"It's all I can offer," the other trainer said. "By the way, did you get your badge?"

"Yep," she said happily. "Did you?"

"Yeah, and it was easy. Glad you got your badge too. I would have felt guilty if you didn't," Augusta said. She looked really happy and graceful. "Now let's get back into the battle!"

Nidoking charged into the Poliwhirl, knocking the Pokémon out cold. It pointed its horn at the oncoming Patrats that were charging at it. As it charged through the Team Plasma's Pokémon, they were thrown into the air by Nidoking's megahorn attack, like wedding confetti. But here the confetti of poisonous needles pour over the Pokémon's trainers, the evil Team Plasma members.

It wasn't before long that the entire Team Plasma member had been defeated. By that point, the police had arrived, and every single member of that radical group was arrested. Unfortunately, Ghetsis managed to escape during the chaos of the battle. Everyone that had fought against Team Plasma was given rewards. Harper tried to find Augusta to thank her but she had disappeared. She didn't even get her reward, which made Harper feel a bit sad. She decided that the next time she met Augusta, she would give her the reward that she deserved for helping out. Harper was a nice person like that.

It was getting late so they decided to stay in Striaton City for another night. So they returned to the Pokémon centre where they got their Pokémon healed. They then went back to sleep. The next day they continued their journey. But before they even left the city, something happened. In the garden section of Striaton City came two trainers. Harper recognized one of the trainers before. It was Toby, and he had some girlfriend with him who looked like a swank.

"I'm Havana and I challenge you to a Pokémon battle," she declared.

"And it's going to be a double battle," said Toby. It was then that Harper realized that they were wearing the Team Rocket criminal uniform. "And if you lose, we will steal your Pokémon."

"You are heartless," yelled Brandon. "You will never get away with that."

"We already have," Havana smirked. Harper felt like smacking her in the face, like Will Smith to Chris Rock at the Oscars. She couldn't stand that cocky nasty waste of a person. These were some of the worse filths on this earth. They deserved to be locked away and have the key thrown into some rubbish bin.

"Then be it!" said Brandon. "Sandshrew, I choose you!"

"Roggenrola," said Harper, "do your best!"

"Mewtwo," said Havana. "Show them who is boss." Out of its ball came what looked like a Mewtwo but it was obvious that it wasn't. It was simply a weak Ditto pretending to be a really strong Mewtwo.

"Genesect," said Toby. "Make them pay. I so totally want their Pokémon."

The first thing that happened was the Mewtwo couldn't contain its image so it turned back into a Ditto. It used 'transform' to turn into a Sandshrew. It rolled at Brandon's Sandshrew but Brandon's one was better at rolling so it dashed out the way faster. All the rolling caused the Ditto to become dizzy. Sandshrew only had to swipe at the other Sandshrew, which was a Ditto, knocking it out.

The Genesect was some purple reptile that had a rocket on its back. It used this rocket to place missiles at Roggenrola but Roggenrola was rock solid so it was able to restrain those attacks. Sandshrew used its sand attack to make Genesect blind. This gave Roggenrola the chance to rock blast the Genesect, knocking it out. It turned out it was another Ditto as well.

Both Toby and Havana stood there in shock. Cowardly, they dashed off. They even left their Pokémon there. But these Pokémon were so tainted by evilness that Harper, Brandon, and Pedro decided to leave them alone. And with that, they moved on to the next route.

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