Chapter 20: Team Plasma's Secret Base

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"We need to help her," said Harper, staring sympathetically at the poor girl. The girl was deep in tears and distress. Harper looked over to her friends to see what they thought about the situation – they always knew what to do even when she didn't. "So how about it guys? Should we help this poor and defenceless little girl by finding her stolen Pokémon?"

"Yeah, it's very important to help this girl. If we don't do this, then we will gain a guilty consensus. We need to investigate this so that we can stop Team Plasma from stealing even more Pokémon from unsuspecting trainers," Pedro exclaimed after Harper looked at him for an answer. "Let's start with asking this girl what happened. I'm sure we will be able to get enough information from her to search out the members of Team Plasma."

"You are certainly right there. We need to put an end to those wicked Team Plasma. I grow tired every time I must take on these guys. At least Team Rocket is entertaining – they're not very good at what they're doing so they're easy to take on whenever we come across them – unlike these guys who are a threat to all trainers across the world," Harper spoke out. Pedro and Brandon nodded in agreement with her. They were going to take on Team Plasma and stop them, no matter what gets in their way.

Brandon lent down to talk to the little girl, who was still crying and was unaware of their conversation. She looked up at him and glared a hopeful smile as if her saviour had arrived to help her. "What happened when Team Plasma stole your Pokémon? By telling us that, it'll help us recover your stolen Pokémon."

"I was at the pier when a group of men in weird clothing came up to me. They kept saying that keeping my Pokémon meant that I was being cruel to it. They said it should be released so that they could be happy and free again like it is meant to be," the little girl explained to Brandon, trying not to leave anything important out. "I tried to argue against them saying that I keep my Pokémon happy and enjoy being with it. But they were very ignorant and kept trying to get me to hand my Pokémon over. I tried to walk away from them. But they got one of their grunts to jump at me and grab my Pokémon. I tried to scream and kick back, but they wouldn't listen. They'd got my Pokémon and refuse to give it back. I was crying as they walked away with my Pokémon. They were very mean people and I really hate them. I've been looking for anyone to help me, but no one would help. Not until you came here and talked to me."

"Do you know where they went?" Harper probed. "If you can tell us where they went, then we'll track them down, kick their butts, and recover your poor stolen Pokémon from those mean evil people."

"They went to that abandoned building over there," the little girl said, pointing to a building that had no signs or anything. It was obvious that the members of Team Plasma were hiding in there. "Go get them! They deserve a big whack over the head! No one steals a Pokémon from their trainers and gets away with it, especially when it's a poor and defenceless girl. Do this and I'll reward you as well! Good luck my friends!"

The group audaciously ran to the abandoned building, gallantly storming into it like warriors from an old Greek epic. The speed at which they moved was like they were cutting through the air the same way a woodcutter would cut down a tree. Harper's heat was pumping mad, as adrenalin started kicking in. She was determined to stop these criminals in the act. Harper didn't want to disappoint the small girl either. She could sense the girl cared for her Pokémon, and the thought someone would steal an innocent child's Pokémon made Harper feel very angry.

As they reached the building, Ghetsis, Bronius, and Rood – three members of the seven sages – walked out of the building, along with some grunts. One of the grunts was holding a Pokémon that appeared to be really distressed. It was a Munna and it was trying to wiggle itself out of the hold of the grunt. It was obvious to Harper that the Pokémon was stolen – specifically the little girl's Pokémon – and it was their job to stop. It was time for a Pokémon battle.

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