Chapter 22: Whereabouts Ornate

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After the shocking loss, Harper decided to stay in the city for one more day. She really wanted to go to the desert, but Pedro insisted on staying since it was getting late. He said they didn't want to enter the desert while it was dark. Harper decided that he was right even though she was really annoyed at him.

It was also decided that they would go and find information on where the man lived - Maximus Davies – so that they knew what type of foes they were going up against. Since Harper was eager to leave the city as soon as possible, she decided to find the man today. So, after their balls were taken care of, they wander the streets finding where the man lived – the nurse showed it to them on the map just before the battle with Hector.

"I wonder what the person is like," asked Brandon.

"Since he is a scientist, he will most likely be a bit nerdy," observed Harper. "I don't really like nerdy people. They are a bit boring. But if he knows what is going on, then he will be really useful for us."

"I don't like to judge people for I meet them," replied Pedro. That was another thing that Harper found annoying about him was his habit to be too forgiving and understanding. At least with stereotyping people Harper knew what to expect. She really did hate uncertainty, and this made things much easier for her.

"I just want to get this over and done with," said Brandon.

"I truly agree with you there," said Harper.

They walked down the street that circled the city and overlooked the harbour. Plenty of boats clutter the ocean, fishing for fish of different sizes – although not native to the region, there were lots of Magikarp in the ocean around Unova. The look on the fisherman's faces told Harper that they really did enjoy themselves and what they were doing. She was happy for them since she liked it when people were happy. She really disliked negative people with negative attitudes. They really annoyed her. They complained so much that she wanted to mute them with a remote as a person would do with a television set when something boring is on like the news. At least she had a positive outlook on life. She lost a battle with Hector, but she persisted since she was happy and strong.

They approached the building where the man worked. Harper walked through the automatic door and came into a foray. The room was very big since the company was a very important one that did a lot of trade deals. It was The McDonalds Safeguard Corporation – run by a wealthy family of billionaires. Harper didn't know that much about them other than that. But she was still really interested in finding out about this super-rich but mysterious family.

As she was walking around the foyer, a longish blond-haired, green-eyed male rushed in front of her. He was wearing a red suit jacket with tan pants and shiny black dress shoes. He was around Pedro's age. Harper stood there stunned. He simply came out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" she said dreamily.

"I'm Chase, but I have to go now," he put simply. "I'm in a bit of a rush. I hope to see you soon one day." He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I hope to see you again too," Harper said in a tristful manner. She felt like she was dreaming, and the dream was so nice she didn't want to wake up. She always hated waking up from dreams where she was succeeding. But she knew that this wasn't a dream. This rich handsome guy was in front of her.

"I really do hope we met again," he said before leaving. He looked honest with his statement. "If we do meet again, I will challenge you to a Pokémon battle." Harper blushed at his proposal. She couldn't wait. Without another chance for him to say anything or for her to reply, Chase left the building and into the streets of the city.

"I wonder who that person is," Brandon said in a naïve way. "I wonder why he is in such a rush."

"I think we will find that out later," Harper said sadly. She was eager to know more about this person, but she would have to wait until later in her adventure. "Let us find the man we were looking for." The others nodded in agreement.

Sadly, they discovered that the man they had been looking for had been on sick leave for the past week. The desk lady told them that he was at home which was in an apartment building on the other side of the city. Harper moaned, groaned and kicked about buts he knew exercise was good for her.

So, they walked back to the other side of the city – it was annoying since they had already been there an hour ago. But they persisted, walking at a steady pass. They soon reached the apartment. They climb several floors of stairs – fifteen and a half to be precise – before coming to the floor that the man's apartment was on.

They were in for a shock when they found a message on the door: "I have gone to the desert resort. Sorry if this is inconvenient."

"Looks like we are heading back to the desert," said Brandon happily. Harper was glad but she knew she had to wait for another day before they start their journey again. They will leave tomorrow, and she hoped for no more setbacks.

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