Chapter 6: Brandon Proves his Braveness

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After Harper had defeated the mysterious guy named N, they walked to the Pokémon centre. They got their Pokémon healed so that their Pokémon were in full health when they went to the next route. After they were handed their balls back, they walked outside of the Pokemon centre. Pedro had already gone, but Harper knew she would come across him again. They were going in the same direction, which was the next town to get a gym badge.

They got to Route 2. Outside there was a sign that said: "A rustic road where beginner Trainers challenge each other". The route was much like the first route, which was called Route 1, which contained a massive paddock, with a few patches of short grass which had a few wild Pokémon running through it. There was a second path, but it was a ledge which was small enough to jump down from but impossible to climb back up. This was to make it easier for people to return from Striaton City without having to come across any wild Pokémon.

"I want to catch a Pokémon," said Brandon.

"I might not," replied Harper. "I am happy with the Pokémon I already have."

"I think that is a Purrloin!" he pointed. "I always wanted one of them. I'm so excited! Bulbasaur, I choose you! Go and do it your best!"

Out of its ball came the Bulbasaur. The Pokémon galloped into the wild grass and towards the Purrloin. The Purrloin wasn't paying any attention and was more interested in catching some rat that was in the wild grass. The Bulbasaur took out its vines and grabbed the Purrloin from a distance. Grabbing hold of the Purrloin, it used its wines to hit the Purrloin up and down. The Purrloin was able to get out of its grip though, and charged at the Bulbasaur and used its scratch ability to knock the Bulbasaur out.

"Oh! No!" Brandon said panicking. "What am I going to do now?"

"Use another pokemon," Harper lectured him. He nodded his head. "It's pretty obvious you know."

"Sandshrew, I choose you!" Brandon said as he took out one of his other Pokémon balls. He threw it out and from it came his Sandshrew.

The Sandshrew started to roll around into the wild grass, hiding from the Purrloin. The Purrloin was looking around, trying to work out where the Sandshrew was. To be able to dodge an incoming attack, the Purrloin had to know where the Sandshrew was. Purrloin tried to strike but missed. This allowed Sandshrew to hone in on the target and swipe it with its big massive claws. That knocked the Purrloin down to a small amount of health

"Time to catch myself a Pokémon!" he yelled with excitement

He took out one of his balls. He bided his time since he didn't want to throw and miss. The Pokémon was slowly trying to get away, but Brandon knew that he wasn't going to let that Pokémon go. The Purrloin was his for the taking and no one else was going to say otherwise. He quickly threw his ball out; making sure that it hit the Pokémon. The Pokémon was absorbed into the Pokemon ball. It shacked for a few seconds before it lighted up to tell Brandon that he had caught his fourth Pokémon.

"Yuppiedom!" he said pointing his hand into the air with his new Pokémon, which was in its ball, clutched into his fist. "I have always wanted a Purrloin! MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE!"

Suddenly Pedro approached them. His brown curly hair was waving in the gentle breeze. He had his hand in the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out one of his balls and pointed it toward Brandon. They looked at him in shock. Harper hadn't seen him since they had left Accumula Town, so she was excited to see him again.

"I, Pedro of Dallas Texas, challenge you to a Pokémon battle, the great Brandon!" he said. The moment Pedro noticed Harper he blushed. "Oh, I didn't know that you were with him? I should get going."

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