Bonus Chapter: The Giganaught

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"What are we going to do?" panicked Brandon, now rushing about unable to control himself. It was obvious to Harper that things had gotten too much for Brandon. She felt pity for him since he could not take that much stress before breaking down.

She too was scared for her life. This beast was gigantic – bigger than any tower, including the one in the United Arab Emirates. He was extremely tall. This meant that Harper was the modern-day Heracles, and it was up to her to defeat this foul thing that threatened to destroy everything around her, just because it wanted to. She knew that she had to do something, but she did not know what. She had to come up with something fast before it destroyed the forest – she wanted to catch a Pokémon there (she had not had a chance yet. For the forest to be destroyed would mean that she would not be able to do that ever again. This made Harper very sad.

"You got to do something," Pedro reminded her. He stood beside her like a tower. His glance gave her enough courage to reply.

"I am working on it," she said, attempting not to be too mean and angry. "Give me enough time and I will do something." She could though. She had a few Pokémon that could help her in a battle. However, she did not know if even they could defeat this thing up there in the sky. The giant started to smash a few trees over as trainers throughout the forest ran away for cover. Hiding in the town was not going to protect them since the giant would eventually work on the town next. Harper started to break down, just like Brandon had done, but she suddenly snapped out of it. She had to stay strong, for everyone else's sake.

"Just solve this before this giant does something truly stupid," Pedro's voice started to shake, which he usually did not do since he was a confident person. Even Jo Anne looked terrified.

"Help – scare – near end – go must!" she was screaming, while her face was still in the mud. But it was clear enough for Harper; this giant had taken things way too far. She had to defeat him. But how was a massive question she just could not answer

Her Tepig could send out a few fireballs, but they weren't all that big. They would have no effect against a massive Giganaught. Her Boldore could also throw some rocks at the thing. It had an accurate eye that could hit something dead on. That eye of the giant could be blinded by one stone. But even if the Boldore was able to do that, the Giganaught would still craze about destroying things – this time it would not have any eyes to know what it's hitting. What about her trusty Pansage. It could use its seed bomb to drain the enemy's strength away. Once it had done that, it could whip its arms around the giant – its arms are very long and thick – and drag it down. The only problem is that it wouldn't have enough strength to even drain the giant's health down. If it tried, it would only do a minute dint. It wasn't enough to do anything. It did not even have enough strength to drag it down with its wine whip. It would need a few hundred of its kind to do even that – and even there it would be a struggle. Her Audino was only good at healing another Pokémon. All the solutions she tried to come up with did not work. All her Pokémon were too weak. Even if she was a Pokemon master with strong Pokémon she still wouldn't be able to defeat the Giganaught. Not even the best trainer in the world could do so. They were hopeless, and nothing could save them!

"I... cannot do it," she admitted defeat. "We are done for." Everyone stared at her socked. Never had anyone heard something like that come out of Harper's mouth. She usually never gave up, even when she was defeated. But for once she had to admit it. There was someone stronger than her, and the person didn't even have a Pokémon to battle with. This made her feel even more disappointed. "I'm sorry." Everyone looked annoyed. It was not Harper's thought that she could save the day.

Suddenly out of nowhere came a boy around the same age as Pedro. He was wearing a red suit jacket and tan pants. He even wore dress shoes. He had longish blond hair with green eyes. Harper instantly recognized who he was. He was Chase McDonalds. He belonged to a long line of famous Pokémon trainers. They ran various companies throughout the Unova region. This made him very wealthy and very famous across Unova. She couldn't believe that she was meeting him, let alone he was coming to her defence.

"Let me handle this," he said confidently, striking a pose as he said that. "My beautiful Pokémon will do the job just fine." He spoke in a deep voice as if he was a Hollywood actor.

"Wow," she said, speechlessly.

"Come out Audino, my male Unfezant, Munna, Dewott, Liligant, and Blitzle – combine as one and defeat this thing," Chase said as he took out six of his Pokéballs – which were all of them. As they leap out of his balls, they combined into a massive Pokemon that was a combination of all of them.

Suddenly everyone who had appeared during Harper's journey appeared beside her. Even Charity, the Mary Sue from the author's other fanfic, was there. "We are here to give moral support. Defeat this thing!" Chase nodded in agreement, before staring back at the giant, pointing at it.

"ATTACK!" he yelled.

The combined Pokémon leapt into the air and shoot out a combination of all the attacks that its separate Pokémon knew. The sight was amazing. It went off like a nuclear bomb. Once the smoke went away, there was no giant left. But because the combined Pokemon – which was called Audunfezmunwottgantzle – had an Audino in it, it was able to heal the forest and not kill anyone but the giant.

"I will be off," he said, swooping Harper off her feet and kissing her romantically. "Tristes adieu faut."

And he flew off on his mega-Pokémon. Pedro looked jealous, but she didn't care. She wondered if she would ever come across Chase again.

They decided to go back to the centre to rest. Jo Anne remained face down in the mud, which amused everyone. No one bothered even helping her since she deserved it.

(Now back to normal transmission).

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