Chapter 16: Skyarrow Bridge

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The next morning, they woke up early. They had breakfast at the café. They said goodbye to Benjamin – he looked quite jealous that Harper was going out with Pedro, but she didn't care since she was in love. They drank their coffee – Brandon drank a V – and they then left, making sure to thank everyone for their hospitality. They got their Pokémon healed before leaving

"I'm going to be pretty sad to leave this town," said Brandon as he tried to put on his massive yellow backpack. "I wonder if the next town will serve V. That drink was the best drink I think I've ever drunk. It was like heaven! I heard there's even a blue version."

"Brandon," Harper corrected him, "trust me, heaven's much better."

"Then this has to be as close to heaven as is earthly possible," he announced to the world, waving his arms out. This caused him to fall over since his backpack was rather heavy. Everyone giggled, including Benjamin as he came out to wave them goodbye.

"It's my break, so I'll use it to wave you off," he said. "I hope you can return one day."

"I promise I will," Harper said.

"Thank, great," he replied. "See you later then."

"Me too," she said.

They wandered out of Castelia City and back to the Pinwheel Forest. Unlike before, in which they walked off the path to take on the evil Team Plasma memes, this time they followed the main path down until they reached a bridge. A few cyclists were riding their bikes back and forth, enjoying the environment that the forest produced. There was a calm feeling about it. It was as if the leaves created toxins that relapsed the mind and freed oneself to the beauty of nature.

They watched the river as it flew through the forest. A group of kids were swimming in the lake, getting the most out of it. Harper would have loved to swim with them, but she didn't have the towel or the swim gear to do so. Brandon did since he kept a lot of stuff in his backpack, but Harper had already decided that they didn't have the time to do something like swimming in the river, even if it was going to be a lot of fun. They had to move on and fast since they wanted to get to the city as soon as possible.

They reached the end of the forest. There was some police lady standing there with a rack of bikes. She was stopping anyone without a bike from going onto the bridge. She walked up to them blowing a whistle.

"Hold on!" she demanded strongly. "My name is Jennie, and it's my job to make sure people follow the law. You can't pass without a bike."

"We don't have a bike," said Harper.

"Then you will have to hire one for now," Jennie explained. "They are only five dollars each. It's not that much if you think about it."

"Sure, of course," said Harper, as she handed the money over to Jennie before claiming the bikes which they were going to use to cross the bridge. Near the entrance was a bike rack, where about two dozen bikes were kept. Apparently, a lot of people came through here without a bike. So, it was decided by the local council to buy some bikes for trainers to borrow. "Thank you for letting us hires some."

"You're welcome," said the police officer with a smile. "Now move along! Others are waiting to get their bikes too."

They left the forest and came to a balcony that gave them an awesome view of the city. Large towers, probably office buildings, could be seen far off in the distance across the stretches of water. Harper had never seen so many towers before, especially towers this tall. There was nothing like this back where she had come from. The bridge itself crossed the water majestically, the supports rising high into the sky – the clouds almost covered them.

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