Chapter Five

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Tyler's POV

4Town eventually had to leave. But I don't wanna brag,but Aaron Z has my number!

Like yes that's a fucking flex!

Anyways by the time they leave, it's already 2.

"Bro, we got to be with 4Town for 2 hours!" Abby squeals. Mei starts jumping up and down.

"Guys, I don't want to flex but I got Robaire's number!"

Priya just seems unbothered, "Mei that's a flex."

Robaire's POV

That curly haired boy was pretty cute. I wonder if he's single or not? I saw Z give his phone to him, so he probably has his number.

"Those girls were so much fun to hang out with!" I pull my head up to see Tae just prancing around the bus, doing spins around and everywhere.

T just goes up and starts spinning with him. "Yea Miriam AKA the beanie girl. Turns out she's a skater girl."

Jesse stands up from leaning on the counter, "Priya, like the normal or chill type. She is a TPN fan! Just like me!"

T just stops spinning, and runs over to Jesse ruffling his hair."OH MY GOSH! You found another geek bestie!"

"T get off" Jesse just ruffles his hair back.

T backs away frantically, "Hey! No touching the curls!"

I notice Z has been on his phone for majority of the ride back.

So I run over and take his phone and run into the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet, and just listen to the satisfying sound of the door banging, and Z's voice threatening me. Thank goodness his phone was unlocked when I took it.

I open up to his messages, see his most recent text is with someone named Ty.

Now who is Ty?
Oh! Maybe that's the name of the cute curly haired boy!

I open up the conversation and see this.

Me: So, how's ur knee?

Ty: It hurts like a bitch, but it's fine! I've dealt with multiple bitchs in my 16 years of life 💪🏽😈

Me: Omg ur so manly Tyler🥹🥹🥹

Ty: Ikr🥶🥶

Ty: Wanna know what my biggest flex is🤯

Ty: Don't answer that cause ofc you do🥰🥰

Ty: my biggest flex is that If a vampire had to choose between me and the rest of the world it would choose me😤😤

Me: That isn't a flex😃

Ty: yes it is 👿👿 Bro you shouldn't get to have a say in this unless you have a bigger flex then me🤓🤓🤓

Me: My biggest flex is I can survive being in a 6 hour ride with the other members.

Ty: Being with the entire 4town is a dream😍😍

Me: nightmare**

Ty: enlighten me then🧐🧐

Me: Tae sings Disney songs over and over again.

Tyler: Disney is goated tho🥶🥶

Me: T pranks people so much, I once woke up to toothpaste all over me

Ty: Bro I gotta see pictures of that

Me: Robaire is singing our songs over and over again. Like I don't need to hear it on repeat. I basically already do😭

Tyler: I've never met nobodyyy like you😉😘😘

Me: Jesse is such a dad too too.

Ty: Okay dad material then😤💪🏽💪🏽

Back to Robaire's POV
I never even got to finish reading the conversation because Z snatched his phone back.

"What possessed you to take my phone?"

"I don't know, I was just bored." I get up from the toilet with a shrug.

"Robaire you can be such a bitch sometimes you know."

"What did I do?!" I'm getting kind of mad at Z because of what he said.

"I don't know.. maybe stole my phone and the locked yourself in the bathroom?"

"Z, no hard feelings man. Well, I gotta go and take a nap. So, Nighty night night!" I say that, then run away. I swear my life flashed before my eyes.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now