Chapter Eleven

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Tyler's POV

I look back to see where the voice came from, and I see my parents at the doorway.

Tyler: Mom! Dad! You guys are back early!

Mom: Yea, we wanted to surprise you.

Dad: Yea, we didn't know our son would be someone who threw parties.

Tyler: It wasn't a party. It was a simple get together which lasted all night..............In all honesty, I bet there is a lot you don't know about me. Considering the fact your never home.

Dad: Now what do you mean by that?

Tyler: Well, you guys are only here on weekends, and even when your here, all you do is work. You barely know anything about us.

Dad: Well, why do you think we came back early?!

Mom: Wait- who's us?

Tyler: Don't tell me you forgot you had two kids!

Mom: I didn't forget! I just forgot who the second one is!

Dad: Does it even matter?! We're here now!

Tyler: Okay, so your here for what? Like two days?

Mom: The whole week!

Tyler: So, one week is going to make up for the countless weeks you missed?

The tension in this room is so suffocating. I feel like dynamite right now. My parents lighted the fuse and I'm slowly about to explode.

Mom: Are we going to ignore the 5 people in this room who I've never even met before?

Tyler: At the moment- yes. Cause they aren't relevant in this conversation.

Dad: Really?!

Tyler: Really.

Dad: Then what's this conversation about?

Tyler: The fact that you think you can just come back and expect everything to be fine! Like you haven't neglected me for a quarter of my life. For majority of Talia's life!



Out of the corner of my eye, I see Talia go and hug Z's leg.

Then I hear a little voice that sounds like it's on the verge of crying.

"Why is mommy and daddy fighting with Tyler?"

Dad: Look! You made your little sister sad!

Tyler: At least I know what to do when she's sad!

Z's POV:

Talia is hugging my leg. So I crouch down, pick her up, and hold her into my chest. I feel my shirt getting kind of damp so all I can assume is that she's crying.

I don't blame her. Her older brother who is basically a parent figure to her is fighting with their actual parents.

Tyler's Dad: Hey you! Let go of my daughter!

Tyler: She obviously likes him more the she likes you!

They keep on arguing and I go upstairs to try to calm Talia down.

Z: Shhh, it's okay.

Talia: They *hiccup* arguing. A-and mommy and daddy *hiccup* will leave *hiccup*.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now