Chapter Eighteen

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Tyler's POV:

Oh my golly good chuckles.

A Few Hours Before:

T: I'm hungry!!

Tae: Me too!!

Robaire: Dude, we have a pantry go make yourself something.

T: Nooo! I can't cook! Jesse.....

Jesse: I'm not cooking for you T.

Abby: Let's have a cooking contest!

Tyler: I can't cook though.

T: Me either!

Tae: Same.

Miriam: Then you guys can be the judges.

Tae: Ooo! I like that!

T: Me too! Usually I'm the one being judged!

Tyler: Yay! I'll be the most honest judge ever.

Priya: Tyler, you lie a bunch though.

Tyler: No i don't!

Z: Yea! Remember the Jacob incident!

Tyler: Oh yeaaaa. That doesn't count though.

Robaire: Oh yea! Mei told me about that!

I look, well more like glare at Mei,

Tyler: Of course she did.

Mei looks down at the floor, in shame.

Good. She should be ashamed.

Tae: Uhhhh anyways. You guys better get cooking! I'm hungry.

Priya: Are there teams?

Tyler: Yea. It'll go by faster, I think.

Robaire: Let's have the teams be, girls vs boys.

Priya: What? Like gender wars? We aren't in 4th grade anymore.

Robaire: Damn okay. Let's make it Z,Mei, and Abby, against Jesse, Miriam, Priya, and I

Abby: Does the winner get anything?

Tyler: The winners can make a dish of there choice, and the losers have to eat it.

Z: What does the winner dish have to be?

Tyler: It's the winner's choice. They could make bread with ramen, and i wouldn't care.

Tae: What are you guys waiting for?

T: Yea! Go and cook!

Tyler:WAIT! We need team names!

T: The judges name is "Triple T's"

Tae: Yeah! So always address as that!

The groups all decide on a name, and we have:

The POC:
Z,Mei, and Abby

Baddie Zaddies:
Priya,Robaire,Miriam, and Jesse


The POC:

Aaron Z's POV:

So I think we are going to win, because Mei's dad is an amazing cook. We are going to make some of his famous dumplings.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now