Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tyler's POV:

So I finally got the courage to go upstairs, and try to start a conversation with Mei.

Tyler: Mei?...Mei? Can we talk.......Please?


Tyler: Mei. If you want I can talk to you from out here?


Tyler: I just wanted to say that i'm so sorry. I feel so bad like words can't describe it. Mei I'm so sorry that I made you cry. I know you probably won't forgive me but-

The door opened, and the first thing I feel are arms wrapped around me.

Mei: No!

Tyler: No?

Mei: No your not in the wrong! I am. I let my stupid silly crush on Robaire get in between our friendship.

Tyler: But I shouldn't have yelled at you, and get my emotions in the way of my actions.

Mei: But I shouldn't have told him your secrets!

Tyler: But- *sign* you win.



Miriam: Did someone say Encanto?

Miriam and I just look at each other, and we have this race to see who can get downstairs faster. The effect of that is both of us busting a lip.

Jesse: Why would you do that. Now both of your guys lips are bleeding.

Tyler: It's wasn't even worth it, Miriam beat me.

She sticks her tongue out, and laughs.

Miriam: Haha! You wish you were this good.

Tyler: It's only cause you have those daddy long legs!

Miriam: These daddy long legs beat you though.

She says this in a mock surprise voice. Making the "though" extra long.

Tyler: Was that racially motivated?

Miriam: Bitch-

Tyler: Is it because i'm a POC?

Robaire: The fuck is a POC?

Jesse: Person of color.

Robaire: OHHHHHH.

T: Robaire how are you black, but you don't know what a POC is? Even I know that!

Tae: Can we start the damn movie now!

Abby: Wowzie Wowzers! We even got Tae saying potty words.

Tyler: Yea yea. Let's watch Encanto now!

In the middle of the movie, Robaire pulls out his phone and starts texting someone.

The Messages

Robaire: Remember the bet we made? Yea idc if you remember or not cause you made the bet. So now remember what i told you to do. And start the operation.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short. I had to go to a track meet that was more then 4 hours long😭😭. I'll try to make the next one longer, and I also wanted to make this one a cliffhanger. Even though it was a bad one😭😭.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now