Chapter Eight

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Tyler's POV

Mei: Okay so the first thing we do is talk.

Priya: AKA gossip

Miriam: I heard that Chole got back with Jayden.

Jesse: Isn't that like a good thing though? Because they are broken up but their love is strong enough for them to come back together.

Abby: Nope Jayden is a manipulative asshole!

Priya: Yep.

Tyler: If anyone treats you guys like that I'll beat them up!

Mei: *scoff* with what muscles!?

I look at this girl with a face that says, "bitch what the fuck?" Like, what is with her being like this today?

Tyler: I'll hire a hitman! I'll strategize, everything and the hitman can do the hitting!

Miriam: Well, I heard the new teacher has a thing for his students!

All: Ewwwww!

Mei: I don't have any classes with him so I'm good.

Priya: Same.

Miriam: Me too.

Abby: Me three!

Tyler: Bro what! Imma be with him all by myself!

Abby: Tyler it's your fault the old one even left!

Robaire: Actually?

T: What did he do!

Mei: Tyler over here, started bullying the teacher.

Tyler: I wasn't bullying! I was just saying what I was thinking! Lemme tell you the full story!

(The Teachers name is Mr.Lee.)

Mr. Lee: Can anyone answer this History question right now?

Majority of the class raise their hand.

Mr.Lee: Well, let's choose.....Tyler.

Tyler: Why?

Mr.Lee: What do you mean, "why"?

Tyler: Why did you call on me, when like everyone else has their hand up?

Mr. Lee: Well if you were, I don't know, paying attention, then you should known the answer.

Class: Oooooooooo!

Tyler: Well, if you were, I don't know, not paying attention to other women, then you and your wife could still be together.

The crickets were loud.

Mr. Lee rushes out of the room, and he seemed like he was holding back tears.

End of Flashback:

Tae: You actually said that?

T: *Laughing* I'm not surprised he left crying!

Z: How was he going to come back to that though?!

Tyler: Maybe if his cheating ass didn't come for me, and this would've never happened!

T: Okay! What else is going on!

Priya: The janitor and the lunch lady have been fucking in the janitor closet.

Robaire: You said that so calmly.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now