Chapter Three

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I feel like I've seen her somewhere.

I gaze down at her, my hand still bleeding from the cut I made not too long ago so I can guilt-trip her from disturbing me to the point of causing me harm.

I was annoyed, no, beyond than that from how persistent she was to see the 'whoever is barging in inside the room'. It didn't help when Marco had to be a clumsy motherfucker and caused much more noises. 

I didn't realize that I was too deep in my thoughts that I was staring at her bewildered face.

"Your hand is bleeding"

It didn't take her much time to recover from my sudden entrance.

Not to forget, she called me James and the only person who ever calls me that name is my mother. Who gave me the name that resembles the corps she oh-so-truly love till this very day. That useless compost isn't even my father.

I can't remember quite well where I told someone to call me James and I don't want to not remember as it could be something very important.

You see, the people who knows I have James in my name is my father, mother, Caspain and the organization I work under. That's how little who knows my other name.

So she really must be someone important.

A spy?

"James. Did you hurt yourself? Your hand is bleeding" she called out once again, this time I heard.

Regaining back my composure I studied her features. To avoid being such a creep, I clicked my tongue as if I got interrupted in a middle of something, which I really was. But in the moment I wasn't, just keeping it low.

Tall, fair smooth skin, messy raven hair, long and delicate neck, that droopy tired foxy shaped eyes occupied by two musky brown orbs. What outshined most of her features are her lips. If one were to deny, they'll be a coward to not admit that her plumpy lips are kissable, heck even chewable.

I appreciate beauty and this right infront of me is one of those. I don't deny for the sake of my pride.

She's probably one of my hook ups as she seems to know me and she has the looks. Then again that conclusion is invalid, because I repeat, I don't give my second name to pointless hook ups.

It took some seconds until I can muster up a lie to guilt trip her to leave me the hell alone.

If I was in the mood to have someone to fuck, I would have appreciated her existence a little bit more but right now, I have something more important than the ecstatic esophoria of being inside of someone.

"Couldn't help it" I don't have any pardon for such rudeness towards her, I'm flaming pissed earlier and she fueled it to the max."if only someone can respect someone's privacy, I wouldn't have to rush in the door while I was grooming my plant"

She seems taken aback for a second. Probably because she saw the hint that I don't remember her and have no slightest interest to her right now.

First Capo: Athelo BrownWhere stories live. Discover now