Chapter 1

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I wake up with the sun blaring into my eyes. Ugh morning again, that means work. I look down seeing my stuffie Peppermint under me. Scared that she can't breathe, I quickly jump up apologizing to her.

"I sworry Peppermint"

Oh gosh no no no, I can't slip. I have work today.

Clearing my throat and trying to shaking it off, I jump up preparing for this day. After doing my morning hygiene, I enter into the kitchen grabbing a granola bar and dashing out the door to the diner.

Entering in I'm greeted by Beth one of the waitresses, and Moore whose the cook. And some of our usual early morning customers. The day goes on as usual, and I feel myself slipping. I'm in need of a nap so bad, but I can't. I'm at work I can't slip... no one can know.

I go into the bathroom taking deep breaths, looking in the mirror I stare at myself. Then those horrible things my dad said to me all come back. I'm worthless, I'm nothing... I'm the reason my mom is gone. It's all my fault.

P..please g-go a-away, I say to no one but myself in the bathroom.

I curl into a ball in the corner of the bathroom. Knocks on the door ring out but I can't get myself to get up. I hear a voice come through saying,

"H-Hello are you okay in there?? I heard some crying... and it made me nervous... I'm a nurse, can I come in and help you"

I don't know what it is, the calmness and soothing of her voice; calms my inner thoughts. Still in my headspace, I stand up to open the door. And I'm met with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! I used to say my mom was the most beautiful woman but this lady takes the cake.

I'm tall, but she's taller than me. Thick in all the right places and her skin. Glowing! Such beautiful mocha skin, and her smile..... omg her smile. I'm in love.

"Honey are you okay?" She asks me
"Y-Yes Mom- I.. I mean ma'am." I say catching myself

She smiles but there's something behind her smile like she did catch what I was saying? Oh gosh, does she knows I'm a little? She just says she's glad I'm okay and if I could take their order. I look at her confuse and she points to a table. A table with 4 other people on it. I tell her that I can, and I'll be right there.

I watch her walk back to her table, mainly staring at her ass. I lean on the bathroom door trying to catch my breath rather quickly. And when I do, I walk over to their table ready to take their order. As if nothing ever happened.


We've been sitting at our table for about 20 minutes and no waitress has come. Getting upset and threatening to leave we ask a waitress why she didn't take our order. And of course being rude she says she doesn't have our table, but that someone else does. And we'll be helped if she ever comes out the bathroom. The bathroom. Going closer to the bathroom I hear sniffing and mumbled cries. And that's when mommy mode automatically clicked in.

She's a little and I know it. Poor thing was having trouble staying out of her headspace. And slipped. Jorden, my husband and I have been looking for a little for so long. Well the right one. Sometimes they just don't come around and you're met with someone whose fake. But her! I know she's a little, and she's going to be my baby. I just have to have her!

She comes over to our table and her eyes instantly light up when she sees Ryan. Now Ryan is Belcalis and Kiari's little. Our best friends. They've only been together for a year but they look as if it was for years. Ryan is in the middle of Belcalis and Kiari, holding her stuffie. Lucas.

I look back and forth seeing the two of them stare at each other. Then it clicks, oh gosh she likes her stuffie.

"No he's mine!" Ryan yells out to her holding onto her Lucas tighter pulling it to her chest.

"Hey no yelling, only inside voice baby" Kiari tell her and she apologizes then smiles

"Um so c-can I start you a-all with drinks?" My angel ask us

All of the adults ask for ginger ale and Kiari then asks Ry what she wants and she says she doesn't know. My baby, who I learned by reading her name tag is Normani says that she suggest the fruit punch cause it's so delicious and yummy. She says with a smile. Making all of us smile. Aw she's so cute.

Jorden looks at me winking, that's his signal that he likes her too. Oh she's ours for sure now!

As we're eating our burgers we ordered. Ryan says that she thinks Normani is a little, making us all laugh saying that yes she is. Then she says she wants her to be her friend. I turn feeling like someone is watching me and there goes my baby, looking at me. She quickly turns her head since she caught me. Laughing I tell Jorden to let me out of our side of the booth, walking towards her. I see her anxious she gets nervously trying not to look up.

When I'm close I look down noticing that she's coloring in a my little pony coloring book. The cutest thing!! Quickly acting like I'm not concerned and continue walking pass her to go to the bathroom. She could sweat for a little bit, I say to myself laughing.

After our wonderful Saturday adventure comes to an end, Jorden being the wonderful man he is offers to pay for all our meals and he does. We all leave and I turn back around to smile at my baby, before leaving out the diner for the day. With my mind on my baby girl.

Our baby girl.


Belonging To Them * EDITED *حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن