Chapter 19

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I've been sitting in the corner of this room since. Since that day. D-Daddy hit me. I know I said some bad words and I'm sorry I did. I was just upset you know. I want this new baby so much, but they kept it from me. So I was mad. Plus all the stuff at work, it's just been too much.

Ugh I feel bad, I'm a bad princess. I made Mommy cry and Daddy mad.

" You belong to us... and US only!! And imma make sure you know that" Daddy says taking his shirt off staring at me walking closer to me.

As I crawl into the corner of the room. Curling into a ball as much as I can, I hear screaming and pounding outside the door. He grabs my foot pulling me from out the corner. I kick at him but the hold he has on my foot is unbearable. I do one last kick and I accidentally hit him in the chin.

"I-I sworry D-Daddy.. I-"
Before I finish speaking, he hits me in my face.
"AHH" I cry out cause my face hurts so much now. As tears form in my eyes.

"Don't you EVER and I mean EVER hit Daddy!" He yells sitting on the bed and puts me over his knee. Tearing my panties off as he lifted up my dress.

"I want you to count to twenty and say I belong to Mommy and Daddy. You hear me?"
"P-Please Jorden... I-"
"Understand me?"
"Y-Yes D-D-Daddy?"
One... I belong to Mommy and Daddy

"Twenty.. I b-b-belong t-to M-Mommy and- and D-D-Daddy" I say sniffing. Thinking it was over till, he kept going. He wouldn't stop, I kept yelling the safe word we created, peaches. But he just didn't stop and my butt is on fire. And I can't even feel it anymore.

"Yo J stop man!! Don't do something you gonna regret" Kiari yells as he buss the door open

Jorden let's me go and I roll onto the floor crawling away. "Normani... baby come here. Y-You're bleeding" I hear but I don't listen and continue to crawl into the connecting bathroom. Locking it behind me, crying in a corner.

Megan knocked on the door asking me to come out, then Belcalis, then Ryan, then Kiari. But no, I just want to be alone.


Which is how I'm still here in the bathroom in the corner today sucking my thumb cause I'm too scared to come out even out this corner.

"Jordan!!" I say excitedly not moving from my corner

"Mama! I-I miss you.. Are you okay?"
"Yes I fine.. uh NO Jay I scared... I scared and no come out"
"I know Mama. Don't be scared... you have me, Mommy and Daddy"

I whimper when she says Daddy, all I can think about is the way he looked at me. He was such a meanie.

"What's wrong Mama? Please come out. I miss you and want to play.... And everyone at school misses you too, they keep saying they hope you feel better. But I miss you Mama.... P-Please come out"

I don't say anything back. I just think. I do miss playing with Jay and being with my kids. And I very hungry and dirty. I should come out, but I scared to see Daddy. He gonna hit me again.

"Princess? Baby, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have hit you. I'm sorry baby, you didn't deserve any of that. Please come out baby... it's been three days....... we all miss you and want to make sure you're good."

I cry hearing Daddy's voice
"Don't cry Princess.. I-I'm sorry. I know I hurt you and your feelings. And I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me."

With a blurry vision, I crawl to the door cause my ankle hurts. And it hurts to stand. I slowly, as much as I can take the chair from under the door. I turn the knob and pull the door open slowly.

I see Jay, Daddy, and Kiari standing by the door. Mommy,Ryan, Blaire and Belcalis are sitting on the bed. I lift my head up and see the shock on everyone's face.

"Come on Jordan, Blaire let's go play" Ryan says getting the girls and closing the door behind them.

Mommy has tears in her eyes, crying. I crawl as fast as I can to her, putting my head on her lap telling her how sorry I am for making her cry. Which makes her cry even harder. Then give soft kisses to her belly... the baby.

"My Gosh Jorden... what the hell!? This is too far!" Kiari says

"Normani... you are going to stay with us for a little while.. okay?" Belcalis says lifting my chin up to look at her

"Cause I was bad... right?"
"No no" everyone starts to say
But I know that's why cause I was bad and made Mommy sad and Daddy mad that's why, I have to go.

Belcalis picks me up as I cry wrapping my legs around her waist. I bury my head into her neck, not seeing what's happening. But I feel us moving. I don't realize we're out the house till she's putting me in a car seat in the back of the car.

I look behind me finding the trunk filled with bags... I guess that's all my stuff. I stare out the window crying as I look up seeing Jay looking out the window of our playroom crying waving bye. I wave back with the same emotion... sadness and confused.. about the future and where we all stand.

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