Chapter 22

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Finally it's time to move out of Krisley's and move in to my own. I'm so excited!! Back to having something of my own, a little independence you know. Between Megan, Jorden and I we're good associates right now.

We did Friday movie night together this past Friday and will do it for this weekend too. We're all in a good space right now which is good... it works for us all. The week after we all had movie night, I was in full Mama mode. I checked and seen who Jordan teacher was, met up with her got all the details on how Baby girl is doing. Which she's doing exceptionally well in! Understanding all her math and has the reading level of a 3rd grader, that girl is something special.

Belcalis, Kiari, Ryan, Blaire and Jordan are here helping me move my things. Once I told Krisley she instantly lost it, then when I told her that Megan and Jorden will help. Yeah she literally threaten to call the cops if they showed up. But they're still here just in the car waiting for us to finish.

I look over at Krisley seeing that she's already staring at me, I go back to packing the things I took from the house I grew up in that belong to my mom. I miss her so much. I sniff one of her favorite shirts that I saved that still has her scent on it after all these years.......13 years to be exact. I haven't had a hug from my mom since I was 12 years old, even though it's been 13 years, it still hurts that she isn't here.

"What would your own mother think, knowing that her daughter went back to her abusers?"

I get up putting my mother's shirt back into the chest I have for her things, "You know what Krisley you are so mean and manipulative. How dare you say something like that about MY mother! I'm tired of your bullshit, GET OVER IT! I don't want you, just accept it and leave me alone" I say frustrated with it all. Her face is stuck with confusion, and shock probably because this is the first time I ever told her off.

Just as fast as her face was full of confusion and shock, it's easily replaced with anger. "Better watch your back" she whispers as she walks pass me. I pay her no mind cause I'm not afraid of her.

We finally got all of my stuff out the house and now we're in my new apartment. Tired with everything we just move the boxes in and break to eat. Jorden and Kiari order pizza, and we all sit on the floor criss cross applesauce style.

Haha I haven't said anything like that in months. Since I was in headspace, oh gosh could I possibly be falling back into headspace... but how. Anyway, after eating our pizza we call it a night. Because everyone's exhausted from earlier. I earn praises for telling Krisley off, making me smile feeling like a princess again. I just smile and take it all in.

We all get to the front door and I bid everyone a good night. "Are you going to be okay, by yourself tonight?" Megan ask me

"Yes. Yes I'll be fine. Y'all go home. I got the air bed up I'm going to be great tonight"

"Okay... only if you're sure.. what time are they coming again with your furniture?"

"At 11, but we know how that goes sometimes"

"Yeah.. yeah.. alright well Good night Normani and you know if you need anything don't hesitate to call us.. okay?" She says looking deeply in my eyes searching for her answers within them

"Yes.. yes I know. I will if anything but I'm good.. y'all get home safe" I say and watch as she leaves out to join Jorden and Jordan.

Ah, home sweet home, I say to myself looking around my apartment. It feels so good to have something of my own. Something to call mines.

Belonging To Them * EDITED *Where stories live. Discover now