Chapter 31

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I honestly can't stop smiling, I'm pregnant. I can feel the baby in my belly or maybe that's just me telling myself that. But I'm so excited.

I'm currently at school teaching and I'm being overprotective over my belly. The kids run to me and I automatically tell them to take it easy and to hug me gently. I'm already an overprotective mom. Oh gosh.

It's literally only been one day and I act like the baby is gonna be here any minute. I really do hope it's a boy. I can't see myself trying to figure out a nickname for another girl. I'm happy with just one baby girl and hopefully a baby boy. Awwwwww.

Ryan and I went shopping during our lunch break today well mines since she was off today. And we found the cutest little boys outfits. But I had to hide mines in the trunk of my car.

The whole time shopping Ryan kept pressuring me to just tell them. But I'm too scared.. they don't even want a baby. So they're just gonna kick me out then where am I and the baby gonna go..... Exactly!

I want to tell them so bad, but like Jorden said no more babies. Whose to say they would've accepted this child.


"Normani either you tell them or I will!" Ryan says to me getting upset as we're in the cafe after another one of our appointments that we've gotten done together as usual.

"I told you I will. J-Just not yet"
"Normani stop playing you're three months pregnant!! You're showing just tell them for crying out loud. They have to know something!"

I look down and gently rub my pouch, knowing that I have to tell them. It's getting harder and harder to hide it, the good thing is I used to wear some of Jorden's clothes so it'll be big on me. And now that I wear big clothes they don't question it. And it does hide my little belly, but still. It's draining.

"Okay.. I'm gonna tell them.... today"
"Thank you"

Jordan and I walk into the house, we stopped at Popeyes cause I'm just too tired to cook. I tell her to go do her homework and she runs off into her room. Entering in it's quiet as I expect, I walk into the kitchen seeing Megan and Jorden sitting there.

Grabbing my chest I say, "Oh my gosh y'all scared me!! What are y'all doing here so early from work and so quiet???"

"We need to talk" Jorden says not even looking at me

I walk further into the kitchen putting the Popeyes bag down on one of the counters. I turn around to see pictures all scattered around on the countertop Jorden and Megan are sitting at. I lowly gasp when I see one picture is of me and Ryan jumping up and down in the parking lot after my appointment.

"When were you going to tell us?" Megan ask causing me to look at her. Meeting her eyes, that are filled with hurt and anger.

"I...I'm sorry I know I should've told you both.. b-but I was scared"

"As you should be...... out here cheating on us and then get pregnant" Jorden says

"WHAT!" I shout "I did not, will not and NEVER cheated on y'all"

"It was easy for you to dance all over that guy at my own party. So it'll be easy for you to cheat" Jorden says

"What... no.. No.. I was drunk and you both forgave me and we moved past it. You -"

"Yeah we thought we were passed it but then you kept spending time with that teacher... who I found out is intersex. Then on top of that you're three months pregnant and didn't tell us. AND... the baby stuff you had in the trunk of your car.. the bottles, bibs and shit. Didn't think we would find out.. huh? But we supposed to be your partners right. So yeah you look like a cheater, which you are!" Megan says making tears come to eyes

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