Chapter 11

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"Alright class who wants to share how their weekend was?... I'll start with mine. On saturday I got to meet up with some old friends and we went out to dinner. I had the best Mac and cheese! Have you guys ever had Mac and cheese!?!?"

A ray of hands go up with them saying me. I laugh saying how good it is and they all agree. After listening to each child talk about their weekend of playing with their dog, cat or going out to eat with their family. It's Jordan's turn.

"My weekend was the BEST! I was with my Mommy, Daddy, Uncle K, Auntie Bel, Auntie Ry and my cousin Blaire. We went bowling then after we went to go eat. I can't remember where we went but the food was yummy! I had chicken nuggies and tater tots. And -"

As Jordan is talking all I can pray is that she doesn't tell that I was with them. Please don't say it, Please don't!! But just my luck she does. Shit

"And member I see you Ms. Ham! We all had fun. My mommy and daddy really likes you" she ends with a smile, but that smile tells me this 5 year old knows a little more than what I think

"Y-Yes we seen each other and I got to talk and meet your parents again. Yes guys there will be times we will see each other outside of school. Cool right" I say trying to change the topic entirely and not focus on me being with them the weekend

"NO Ms. Ham, we went out to eat then we went to my ho-"

"Okay class I'm glad you all had a wonderful weekend, now let's move on to playing. You guys get a little bit of free time to get those weekend jitters out of you. That just want to play all the time. Now go get those jitter bugs out of you!" I say to my class and they all take off laughing to do whatever they want

I take that as my chance to take a deep breath, I hope none of the kids tell their parents about what they heard

"Ms. Ham?" I hear and look seeing Jordan
"Yes Jordan?"
"I'm sorry for telling everyone about our weekend... I- I know I'm not supposed to. Mommy already said it, but I was so happy that we got to spend time together a-and I want to share with everyone." She says as her voice cracks

"Aw Jordan, don't apologize honey. I know our weekend was so fun and I wanted to share it too. But you know somethings we have to keep private and that just happens to be one of those things. So don't worry Jordan, you're good. My little star" I say to her smiling and earning one bright one back.

"Now go play!"
"Come play with me?"
Getting up I go behind her to the little play gym in my room and we go play with the other kids. Before it's time to go over the alphabets.

I was and still am terrified one of the kids will tell their parents. I don't want or need to be questioned about my life or even my teaching techniques. I can't spend the night with them again, well maybe until Jordan is in 1st grade and out of my class. But I can't jeopardize my job at all.


I got called into the hospital today because we're so understaff, but the only thing that's keeping me going is how beautiful the weekend was.

Normani spent all weekend with us. Usually we do like a day or two, but the whole weekend it was bliss. She even slept in the bed with us, with her in the middle of course where she belongs.

Jordan; my smart but nosey angel questioned us up and down about Normani. She knows her as her teacher, but wondered how we all knew each other before. Nothing, literally nothing gets pass that girl. We tell her that she's an old friend of mommy and daddy's. But she didn't believe that. I tell you too smart.

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