Chapter 30

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Stunned is what I am. Ryan and I are in the guest bathroom staring at the 8 pregnancy tests I've taken. All positive... what the fuck.

"I know..... it's horrible timing to even say this. Buuuttttttt what you gonna do?" Ryan ask me and I don't say anything just stare at all the test in shock.

Pregnant... I- I can't be pregnant!
"Ry these test are wrong... I- I can't be pregnant!! This can't happen!!" I say freaking out, I can not be pregnant.

"Mani. Mani CALM DOWN!! it's gonna be okay" Ry says holding both of my shoulders. I just continue to cry, I can't be pregnant this is gonna mess up everything we've built. Oh Gosh, Mommy and Daddy are going to be so upset!!, I think to myself.

"Mani please calm down it's not good for you or the baby-"

"BABY! BABY! Ryan I can't be pregnant. Their gonna be so upset, you remember what happened last time I brought up having a baby. I just cannot"

"Mani listen... it's going to be okay... I'm with you!"

I just sob, covering my face. Ryan pulls my hands from my face smiling down at me. "Mani.. I'm right with you cause - cause... I'm pregnant too."

I stop crying looking up at her, "Are you serious!?!? You're pregnant too! OH my gosh RYAN!!" I shout excitedly, happy for her.

We hug each other. She pulls from me looking at me saying it's going to be alright.

"But what if they're not happy?"

"Then you got me! I'll help you and so will Belcalis and Kiari. You're family and we help each other through thick and thin."

"Thank you Ry, I appreciate it SO much. So how far along are you?"

"Oh girl I just found out yesterday when I took the test. Now I just gotta tell Belcalis and Kiari and make an appointment. How about we tell them together!?!? We are going to have dinner together tonight anyway so it's the best timing."

"Okay Ry... but you gonna tell first" I say


Ryan, Kiari, Jorden and I are cooking while Belcalis and Megan talk and have their own girl time. While the pregnant women slave over the stove... the nerve. Ever since finding out that I'm pregnant I swear I feel the baby.

I hold my stomach and it feels rounder, I instantly jump when I feel Jordan wrap his arms around me. Scaring me making me think that he knows I'm pregnant, or that he feels the baby too.

It could just be in my head. But what if it's not.

We finish cooking and we all sit around the table in the kitchen. Us adults together and Jordan and Blaire in the living room as they can't eat without watching tv. As if it's a movie theater to them. I look over at Ryan and she winks at me smiling, I know she's happy cause of course Kiari been wanted to get her pregnant, but she chose to be on birth control.

For me Megan and Jorden put me on it cause they didn't think and probably still do think that I can't be a little and be pregnant. Like I'm not going to accept it and do the things I need to do. But I kinda agree, one I am a little so there are definitely going to be days where I'm emotional and want to be little. But be 6 months pregnant with a big ol belly. Expecting to be picked up and carried like a baby, that's just not happening and I know it.

"You okay baby?" Megan grabs my left hand squeezing it making me look up at her as she looks down at me with care and compassion.

"I'm fine" I mumble trying to sound believable, but I think she notices cause she keeps looking at me. To put her at ease, I give her a soft peck on her lips. As I pull back a smile forms on her face, showing that it worked which is great. But then Ryan speaks up saying, she has a surprise like fucking great!

Belonging To Them * EDITED *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora