Chapter 23

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Yesterday was not the best day, I almost slipped cause I was so scared and stressed. The comfort I got in Megan and Jorden was un matched. They were there for me when I needed them, they even opened up their house for me. And then their bed... cuddling and giving me the comfort I needed. And I appreciate them so much for it, I just hope it doesn't complicate things even more for us.

Waking up still in-between them, and someone laying on my chest. I see Jordan. I chuckle at how were all entangled in each other. I'm laying on Megan's chest while Jordan lays on mine, as Jordan's legs are over Jorden's chest who is now snoring on his back. I feel a hand brush my hair back knowing it's Megan, I look up at her.

"Good morning Normani"
"Good morning Megan" I say blushing cause even when she just wakes up her beauty is unmatched.

"Wanna help me make breakfast?"

I whisk the pancake batter while Megan makes the bacon. As the pancakes begin to rise in the pan, Megan faces me leaning on the counter, "Sooo has Krisley ever asked to be your Mommy?"

"No.... She just pushed herself onto me. First it was friends then she got handsy. She would try to get in the bed with me, breast feed me.. it was just a mess. Even when I told her no, she wouldn't  listen. And you know I don't like to yell, but that day when i came over for movie night I had to tell her off just so I could leave."

"You know you shouldn't have to go through that Normani... No body owns you.. You're your own person, and that person is beautiful." She says putting a strand of hair behind my ear

We look into each other eyes, and when I say I want to kiss her so bad... I want to kiss her. But I don't.. I know I shouldn't. I just laugh it off and move towards the stove flipping the pancakes.

"Are you sure you don't want to call out of work today.. it is Friday" Megan says breaking the silence, bringing me back to reality.

"I'll be fine, like you said it is Friday. One more day wouldn't hurt" But that doesn't stop my heart from beating like crazy. Please let today but a good day.


I pull up to the school with Jordan in the backseat, turning around looking at her asking her if she's ready getting a Yes Mama. I smile, I love it when she calls me that.

I would drop our baby girl off at her class but once she seen her friends she gave me a hug and ran off to be with them, I laugh then tell her that I'll see her at the end of school. The walk to my classroom is the same, the stares from certain teachers who just haven't gotten over who I am and honestly I stopped caring. I just walk pass them and open the door to my classroom getting it ready for my students.


The day went on as usual, my students this year are rambunctious as ever. Full of energy so most times there isn't any nap time cause they never sleep! Always want to play and learn which I can't complain cause I love that they love to learn, always practicing their alphabets.

With the school day ending my anxiety is put to rest. I didn't see or run into Krisley at all making me very happy. I wave goodbye to my kids wishing them and their parents a great weekend. Before I turn around I come face to face with Krisley.

"W-What are you doing here? " I say

"Aww now I can't come and see you anymore.. that's not fair. Especially after all I did for you." She says closing the door then locking it behind her

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