Chapter 38

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"Meg.. baby we gotta do it. These rings are burning a big ass hole in my drawer " I've been so ready to propose to Normani but Megan keeps saying let's push it back. Why I have no damn clue!! And I'm frustrated, I'm so ready to propose and she just tells me to be patient and wait for the right time.

Like what is the right time. Right now, I'm in Kiari's house smoking a blunt and playing the game with him. Telling him my worries. Like him, Belcalis and Ryan are married already. They had their ceremony three months ago, and I just sat there thinking how it should be us. Like I'm happy for our friends but I wanna wife Normani. She's our present and future. And it's only good that we do her right.

Sitting down in this chair in Kiari's man cave part of the house lost in thought. Trying to figure out why Megan doesn't want to propose. I can't even focus on the game. Things been going great for all of us, so I'm like what could be the reason.

"Yo man... chill you gonna wife your baby. We both know Megan and that means she got a plan. Let her do her thang it's gonna be alright" Kiari says cutting my train of thinking off

"You right bro... you right" I say shaking my head

"Alright now let me dust yo ass in this game." He says making me laugh and actually lose cause I'm too high.

My phone goes off and it's Megan.

"Hey Babe"
"Hey Bae... are you finally ready to propose?"

When I tell you my heart skipped a beat it did. And I literally lost it. If I wasn't in front of Kiari, oh I would've screamed as if I was being proposed to. But I'm the man, I'm not about to be showing my soft side in front of him. Only to my babies.

"Really Baby?? You're ready? Why now?"

"Well if you would've been patient and maybe look at the calendar right now.. I would've told you that a very important day is coming up and it only felt right to propose on that day. I bet you don't even have a clue what I'm saying is coming up?" She says giving me a little attitude

"I'll have you know that I know every important date to us. And this one specifically being the time I proposed to you. So Ha!" I say in the end happy I'm right and beat her. Which makes her laugh.

"Okay okay you got it... calm down. But yes the day we got engaged. It only seems right to have it to the same day right. It celebrates both of our unions as one. What you think?"

"I love it baby! Just like I love you" I try to mumble into the phone but unbeknownst to me Kiari heard me.

"Well I already planned most of it out, -"

"Of course you did " I say playfully rolling my eyes knowing my wife.

"Well let me talk really fast cause her and Jordan are coming. But we're all going to Morocco. Bel and them are coming too. To make it a vaca for all of us. Since we're gonna be hella busy soon. And, she. has. ALL. night. long... to show her appreciation." She says chuckling at the end

"Mmhm I like the sound of that" I say smirking already knowing that either Megan or Normani or the both of them gonna be pregnant. Someone guaranteed gonna be leaving that country pregnant.

"Haha stop it! Stop I already know what you thinking and that's not happening. We got two babies and that's good enough. No more!... oh alright let me go they almost to the car. See you later!"

"Later babe. Drive safe!" I say. When I hang up Kiari already looking at me and I know he heard me. He laughs saying, "you whipped"

"Tuh nigga what about you? If I'm whipped you definitely are too. I ain't the only one." I say laughing at him as he also laughs agreeing that he is just as whipped.


I'm sitting in the car waiting well not just me but Junior too, for Normani, Jordan and Blaire to come out the school. Blaire started going to this school last year and it's been the best for her. Normani is there and can watch over both of the girls.

I hear Junior laugh and get excited when he sees his Mama and the girls walking to the car. He loves his Mama. I can't believe he's almost two years old. Like time really flew. Well granted he's only 15 months but it's so close to him being 24 months.

All three of them enter in and I'm greeted with hugs and kisses just the way I like it. I ask them what they would like to eat especially since Blaire's spending the rest of the week with us since everyone will be gone. Belcalis is currently filming two music videos in Bali, Ryan is away in New York filming a movie and of course she brought their baby boy with her. Being that he's so attached to her. Leaving Kiari at the house today till he leaves tonight to join Ryan. Even though she doesn't know it yet. He couldn't leave his little girl by herself.

We all agree for Normani to cook more like voted for her to cook, so that means stopping at the supermarket. As I push the cart with Junior in it, I watch  Normani as she grabs different things trying to forget what she's going to make since she says.. it's a surprise.

Now I know it's weird me being the Mommy should be doing all the cooking.. but it's just something about Normani's cooking. I just can't beat it. A guy comes to us cutting me off from begging her about what she's about to make. Asking to take a picture with me. I stop and take a picture with him then one after another fans started to come. After I take all the pictures I look around not finding Normani or the girls.

Panic starts to set in quickly but my phone ringing stops me in my tracks. Seeing that it's Normani kinda calms me down but not completely till I hear her voice.

"Baby we're all in the car waiting for you?" She says and I instantly jet out the store running to the car. Getting into the passenger seat I automatically apologize saying how sorry I am. But she cuts me off my grabbing my chin giving me a kiss telling me that she understands. This is apart of our new life and it's fine with her. I lean in for another kiss but our daughter blocks it by saying, "ughhh they gonna kiss again! All they do is kiss"

I turn to look at her and she begins to laugh and Blaire does too. Saying that her parents do the same thing.

"As they should! It shows that they love each other... right Princess?" I say giving her the puppy eyes
"Right" she says laughing.

"Oh you call Auntie Mani Princess. That's like Mommy she calls Mama, Cum Slut"

I nearly choke on my own spit, like what the hell. I nearly want to laugh at the same time cause both of our girls are laughing till Jordan ask what is that.

"It's... something that should stay between your Mommy and Mama. Now don't go repeating it okay?" I tell her

I seriously gotta tell Belcalis to get them a sound proof room or something. Cause Blaire just hearing everything. Now it has me thinking if we be too loud and if our room is as sound proof as it's supposed to be.

We get in the house and the girls go into the living room to do their homework. Jorden greets us automatically grabbing Junior and throwing him up in the air. Normani and I go into the kitchen and I sit on the island watching her cook. After some time I go up behind her wrapping my arms around her as she's stirring a pot. Swaying side to side.

"I'm sorry" I mumble into her neck giving it a quick kiss.

"Ugh Mommy will you stop... I'm not upset. I know what was coming with you both being famous now. So stop, you don't have to worry about me... okay?" She says then turns around in my arms. I nod my head and she smiles at me. Pulling me down to her level by my neck giving me a soft kiss.

"Ew what did I tell you. They're always kissing!" we hear and automatically start laughing knowing that it's Jordan.

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