5) Gringotts with Moony

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At around 8:00 Harry woke up and began to do some exercises. After around 1 hour of doing exercises Harry got ready for the day. He was planning to persuade Remus to take him to Diagon Alley as he desperately wanted to get rid of Dudley's old cast-offs, he wanted to take up his lordships and he wanted to get some new glasses as his old ones had started to make his vision blurry. 

Remus apparated to number 4 privet drive to guard Harry at 11:25am. Harry was waiting downstairs in the kitchen for Remus. As soon as Harry heard the quiet pop of someone apparated he used a wandless charm to change his appearance then left the house.

"Uncle John where are you, please make yourself visible, it's not as though you can turn invisible!" Harry stage whispered 

Getting the hint Remus came out from under the invisibility and said "Good acting Prongslet"

"Thanks Uncle Moony" Harry replied before he asked "Can you take me to Diagon Alley please, I need to buy some clothes of my own, I need new glasses and I intend to take up my lordships?"

"Alright cub lets go" Remus said. 

Harry grabbed onto Remus' arm and they disappeared. When they arrived in Diagon alley they headed strait to Gringotts so Harry could do an inheritance test, take up his lordships and withdraw some gold.

"um excuse me may I take an inheritance test and potentially take up my lordships" Harry asked the goblin at the front desk politely.

"Name" the goblin commanded

"Harry James Potter" Harry replied calmly

The goblin looked at him then called something out in gobledegook. A goblin cam out from a large door, (Griphook, the goblin who took him down to his vault when he first visited gringotts, Harry realised) and called for them to follow him. He led Harry and Remus into an antechamber where harry was given a dagger and a sheet of paper. 

"Cut your finger and smear the paper with blood, your test results will show on the paper." Griphook instructed 

"Ok Griphook" Harry replied before he cut his finger and smeared the paper with his blood.

The goblin looked surprised for a moment but hid his shock before he looked at Harry's inheritance test result.

"Inheritance test results for Harold James Orion Potter:

Father: James Charles Potter

Mother: Lily Lyra Evans-Potter

Father (through godfather ritual at birth): Sirius Orion Black

Godfather: Remus John Lupin

Godmother: Minerva Athena McGonagall

Eligible to become lord of: 

Most noble and ancient house of potter (paternal)

Most noble and ancient house of Black (paternal)

Ancient house of Evans (maternal)

Noble clan of McGonagall (paternal)

Most noble and ancient house of Slytherin (maternal)

Most noble and ancient house of Gryffindor (paternal)

Most noble and ancient house of Peverell (paternal)"

Harry stared at his results before he fainted out of shock into Remus. Luckily Remus caught him before he hit the floor. 

"Um Griphook may I have your permission to use my wand and wake up Harry?" Remus asked uncertainly

Griphook nodded and Remus pulled his wand out and woke Harry up with a small jet of water coming out of his wand. Harry was 'Revived' with a start causing Griphook to give a small goblin equivalent to a laugh.

"welcome back to the awake world Prongslet" Remus chuckled 

Harry shot a rude hand gesture at Remus before he asked "Griphook may I take up my lordships and visit the potter vault?"

"Yes you may Mr Potter follow me, Mr Lupin may join you as he is your chaperone"

They followed the goblin as he led them to the carts to take them down to the Potter vault.

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