15) The Burrow

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"What is the password?" a voice from inside said

"Um Molly's Treacle tart is the best in the whole world." Harry responded with a grin

The voice from inside gasped and pulled open the door. It was Ginny.

"Gin" Harry whispered before he pulled her into an embrace. He pressed his lips against hers gently and when he pulled away she said "Hey handsome."

"Gin you look beautiful" Harry gasped

"You're so sweet Harry, I just go and tell mum that you are here. Ginny replied her cheeks tinged pink.

She ran upstairs to find her mum and Harry sat down on  one of the rickety dining table chairs. Harry sighed and he felt like he was home.

"Harry dear it's wonderful to see you" Molly exclaimed

"It's good to see you to Mrs We- Molly" Harry said grinning. He stood up and hugged her before he walked over to Ginny and put her arms around her. 

Molly smiled at the sight of them before she left them in peace.

"Do you want to go to my room or down to the creek?" Ginny asked her voice low

"Lets go to the creek" Harry whispered back. 

Harry took her hand and led her towards the small creek in the burrow's Garden.

Harry sat down against a tree, Ginny sat down next to him and leant against him her head on his chest. They ended falling asleep like that and were awoken at sunset by Mr Weasley taking a picture of them. 

Since he had completed his tiger Animagus form Harry had heightened senses so he was awoken by the click of the camera. When he saw that it was his girlfriends dad he blushed but Arthur just smiled. 

"Wakey wakey Harry" Arthur said 

"um Arthur I can explain" Harry stuttered

That caused Arthur to laugh. So he gave Harry a reassuring smile and said "Dinner's on the table." 

Harry nodded and tried to wake Ginny. However she wouldn't wake so Harry kissed her on the lips. 

"What a nice way to wake up" Ginny mumbled against Harry's lips

"Ginny I didn't need to hear that" Arthur exclaimed with a chuckle

That woke Ginny up she turned bright red and leapt to her feet.

"Oh um hi dad" she muttered

Arthur just laughed even more at his daughter's embarrassment and walked into the house.

"Come on Gin, dinner's on the table" Harry said taking her hand. They walked hand in hand to into the dining room. 

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