33) Hogsmeade

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On the 30th of October there was a trip to hogsmeade, Harry was going with Ginny then they planned to meet up with people from other houses to have butterbeer. 

As usual Harry and ginny met for breakfast after HArry had done some training. After they ate breakfast they walked towards the entrance hall to get signed off by filch.

"Mr Potter, I do not need to sign you out, Miss weasley you may go" Filch leered

Harry and Ginny walked hand in hand into hogsmeade talking about what they were planning to do to get revenge on ron (Harry was not going to let it slide and he was going to channel his inner marauder). They headed to Zonko's where Harry bought several things, The owner of zonkos was very grateful, Fred and George seemed to be putting him out of business so Harry made some arrangements.

After going to Zonkos Harry and Ginny went to Honeydukes, scrivenshaft's and Glad rags wizardwear where he let ginny pick something to wear when she accompanied him to a gathering honouring the 15 year anniversary of his parents deaths.

They walked into the 3 broomsticks and after spotting Madame Rosmerta Harry asked Ginny for her permission to pull a prank. She said yes so Harry changes his eyes to hazel and made his hair brunette. He strutted over to Madame Rosmerta and flirted "Well if it isn't the hottest bar maid in hogsmeade"

Rosmerta looked up, and dropped her glass "Am I dreaming?" she asked

"Define dreaming beautiful" Harry flirted

However Harry's prank was cut short as 1 madame rosmerta noticed Ginny laughing and 2 McGonagall said "Mr Potter what are you doing?"

Harry turned around and gasped "Minnie McGee! It feels like it has been 15 years since I last saw you." 

McGonagall froze then whispered "JAmes"

HArry smiled "Apologies you got the wrong generation, I'm the smarter and sexier one, HArry Potter at your service" Harry gave a deep and sweeping bow and changed his appearance back to his own.

Ginny was silently laughing however her laughter doubled when Professor McGonagall wacked him around the head, multiple times.

"Ahhh Ginny, MAdame Rosmerta help this is abuse" HArry yelped 

Ginny and Madam Rosmerta ignored him and just laughed. The rest of the day Harry spent time with people from all houses and all years. They had lots of fun, gossiping ,snacking, drinking butterbeer and playing games.It was safe to say that that day Madam Rosmerta made a fortune. Madam rosmerta (by order of professors' McGonagall and HArry) shooed them all out at 6 o'clock so that they could be back in time for dinner.

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