10) The Job

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It was the next day when Harry heard back from Ginny and the Headmaster however he found letters from Ron and Hermione also attached. Harry decided to open the letter from the Headmaster first and what he read shocked him as much as his OWL results.

"Dear Harry

I appreciate your apology however it is not necessary, I should not have have kept you locked in my office. We can thank that magic could repair all of my belongings. I have talked to the staff about your suggestion and they think it would be an excellent idea so we have decided to give you the honour of becoming an Assistant Professor. You will have your own private office, be able to be out after curfew, leave the school on weekends and you will occasionally have to teach defense against the dark arts, the new DADA teacher will be Remus so you will substitute on the full moons and I would like you to do a few classes for each year on patroni. 


Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I will pretend I never saw your post script however I (and Alastair) approve of your actions."

Assistant Professor? Well that was a shock, Harry thought. 

He decided he would read Ginny's letter, respond to Ginny's letter, practice the Animagus transformation with Siri (with her letter Ginny had attached a parcel containing the potions supplies he needed), reply to the headmaster, write a letter to Mr and Mrs Weasley, train some more, sleep and tomorrow he would respond to Ron and Hermione. So he did.

"Dear boyfriend (what a nice thing to say),

It's good to hear that you are coping as well as can be expected, these types of wounds can only be healed with time and I'm not surprised you miss him, in all mays but blood Sirius was your dad (even mum could see how much you loved each other). How are you doing at the moment? What are you doing to cope? I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough to fully open up to me. Congratulations on your OWL results, you did way better than Ron he only got 6 and I heard that Hermione got 11 with 10 Os (she was so mad that she got an E in DADA). Wow 7 lordships that's almost unheard of but it's also unheard of that a 12 year old saved his eventual girlfriend and his friends little sister from a basilisk. Will you need to marry multiple women to successfully pass on all your titles? I think it's a great idea to carry on with the DA. and mum says that you are welcome and if you ever need anything else she will get it for her youngest son! 

Sorry if I bore you but this net part of the letter is a vent against Ron. Yesterday I found that prat snooping in my room and looking at the letters you sent me. I'm grateful that you warded the letters. I wonder if I should tell mum about our relationship, actually could you mum would listen to you more, if you don't mind could you send a letter asking 'permission' to date me, thanks honey.

Your full name is Hadrian James Orion Potter? I like it, you'll always carry a part of Siri around with you.

Love girlfriend (What a nice thing to hear you say) x"

Harry felt even more proud of his results when he read that Ginny was proud of him. However he was enraged by the fact that Ron was reading Ginny's letters, Harry smirked and wondered what the parchment said to Ron (It would say something very embarrassing). And with that thought in mind Harry started to pen a reply to his girlfriend's letter.

"Dear the most beautiful girlfriend in the world,

I'm doing okay at the moment (I would tell you that I'm fine but I've been told that my definition of fine is completely different to a sane human- the ministry was wrong about me being mad as I'm completely bloody insane- even Siri and Remy who have never been sane either say that I'm more insane than them and my dad put together. Is that good? ), and to cope I am studying and training to take my mind off things. It made me think of Siri's last words last Christmas to me (always use protection son). You are of course right that time will help heal these wounds. Hermione was mad that she got an E in DADA well I'm not surprised. Marry multiple women, no thank you, personally I don't care if I actually have to I will be marrying one young lady and she is the most beautiful red head in the entire world (apart from my mum however but that is a special case) and she is the only one who can read this letter. Even though we have only sent a few letters this summer, you have been more understanding than any one has ever been, I think I may love you Ginevra Molly Weasley (Potter in the future and that is a promise). I asked Dumbledore if I can make the DA an official club, and it will be, to teach it I have been made an assistant professor! However it will be renamed to the Thunderbird Army. I will write to your mum and dad and ask 'permission' to date you.


I will be lecturing him next time I see him. Sorry I forgot to tell you that I've been putting a mild security charm on all my letters in case a death muncher gets hold of them. that also means we can talk about more secure topics. I will now tell you that to cope I had a visit from Siri in a dream and he told me that he didn't completely die due to the way he passed through he veil. He is a spirit, who will eventually pass on but for now he can visit me in my dreams and is able to train me. To prolong his link to our world he can turn into a ghost for a short period of time to train me while I'm awake as well. He is teaching me the Animagus transformation, battle magics and much more.

I love that you love my full name and your right I'm always carrying Siri around with me.

Love boyfriend xxx


Harry finished the letter with a flourish the he thought it would be best for him to go to train with Siri, go to bed then continue his check list tomorrow.

Harry's checklist:

Read letter from Gin (complete)

Write to Gin (complete)

Practice Animagus transformation (complete)

Respond to the headmaster

Write to Mr and Mrs Weasley

Read and write letters from/ to Ron and Hermione

Train some more

In his dream like state Harry made the animagus potion with Sirius and he drank the potion to discover his hidden animal. However since things around Harry can never be normal instead of 1 animal in the vision (where he discovered his inner animal) Harry had 2 animals. That made Sirius gape as he had never heard of that happening before. Harry's animagi were.... a large Bengal tiger and a bald eagle. After that long training session Harry fell sound asleep.

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