9) Thunderbird Army

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When Harry awoke he saw that Hedwig had returned from her hunting so Harry decided that it would be best for her to sleep for a little while before he sent her off with his letter to Ginny. After hesitating for a moment Harry decided that since Umbi.... ahem Umbridge was gone it would be best to ask permission to carry on the DA and turn it into an actual club. 

"Dear Professor Dumbledore, 

I firstly wanted to apologise for destroying your office last term, it was wrong of me and I hope none of your belongings were damaged beyond repair. I wanted to ask you if I would be able to turn the DA into an official club that I would teach. I was thinking about opening it to 3rd years and above and if it is ok I was wondering if I could get members to sign a contract that says that they cannot share information with other non members, this could prevent the Death munchers (Sirius' words not mine) from finding out about the (potentially) newly dubbed Thunderbird Army.


Hadrian James Orion Potter

P.S. I found a spare wand in my family vault so I used it to ward this letter, I know I'm not supposed to but it was for the best CONSTANT VIGALANCE and all that

P.P.S. Do I have your blessing to ask Professor Snape to restart my occlumency lessons " 

By the time Harry had finished writing his letter to his Headmaster, Hedwig had woken up from her nap so Harry tied the letter to the Headmaster and the Letter to Ginny onto Hedwig's, cast a simple security ward onto both letters (he had been doing that to all the letters he sent this summer) before he carried Hedwig over to the window. 

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