37) Quidditch

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The morning of the first quidditch match of the season dawned bright and clear. It was the perfect condition to play in. Harry was feeling miserable - it would have been his first game of the season playing with his girlfriend if someone hadn't had other ideas.  He sighed then got out of bed, he was still going to watch the match - after all he was a good and supportive boyfriend. Deciding to sit with Neville, he got dressed then walked down to the hall.

Sitting down at the table, I sighed then grabbed a slice of toast and munched half-heartedly. A red headed girl walked into the hall and dropped herself into my lap. Ginny wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry you can't play today Harry, my brother is a twat." She mumbled.

Harry's heart melted, what did he do to deserve such a sweet girlfriend? He held Ginny close, breathing in the floral scent of her hair and responded "it's alright Gin, you'll do amazing in my place."

Ginny looked up at Harry and whispered "but what if we lose?"

Harry gently moved his hand so that they were cupping her face "If you lose, I'll still be proud of you. Besides, Ron will know that  it was his fault since he kicked him off the team."

Ginny chuckled "that's true I suppose."

Harry grinned at her before gently kissing her lips.

"Hey Harry, hey Ginny." Neville stated as he sat down opposite them.

"Hey Nev, is it alright if I sit with you today?" Harry asked.

"You think I'd say no?" Neville chuckled.

Harry grinned sheepishly then turned his head to smile at Luna who came and sat down next to them, sporting a hat with a large eagle on the top.

"Hey Luna, love the hat, although I think it would look better if it had a lion on it." Harry grinned.

"I wondered if you would think that Harry." Luna smiled airily.

Neville and Ginny laughed then dug into their breakfasts. About ten minutes later, Ron walked into the great hall and at the sight of Ginny in Harry's lap, he yelled "get your filthy hands off my sister Potter, we don't need you."

Harry rolled his eyes "technically my hands aren't on your sister Ronald."

Harry had a slice of toast in one hand and his goblet of pumpkin juice in the other. Ron grumbled "Ginny, get off him, it's time to go down to the pitch."

Sighing, Ginny got off Harry's lap, placed a sweet kiss on his lips before reluctantly following her brother out the hall.

"Good luck beautiful." Harry called.

"Thanks handsome." Ginny responded, causing her to get chastised by her brother.

Harry, Neville and Luna finished eating their breakfast before walking down to the Quidditch pitch.

"Hey Harry!" Seamus called, "come sit with me and Dean."

Harry grinned and walked over to them. Neville announced "I'm going to walk Luna over to the Ravenclaws, I'll be back in a minute."

As they walked away, Harry called (much to the embarrassment of Neville) "have fun with your girlfriend."

Dean and Seamus looked at each other before joining in Harry's laughter at the expense of a blushing, bumbling Neville. Harry grinned at the pair of them and simply stated "when," his eyebrow raised in their direction as he sat down next to Seamus. Seamus tensed up.

Dean stammered "w-when w-what?"

Harry smiled softly at them, "I'm not bothered by it, I just want to know when."

Seamus relaxed then responded quietly "you're too perceptive for your own good. Looks as though ditching Ron worked well in your favour."

Harry agreed.

"I asked him out last night." Dean blushed.

"Congratulations." Harry smiled, "I'm surprised you had the guts."

Dean glared, mock-offendedly, then laughed "well I had a shit if liquid courage before."

Harry asked seriously "you keeping it quiet?"

The two boys looked at each other before nodding. Harry nodded to show that he understood.

"You can tell Neville and Ginny though and maybe Luna." Seamus commented.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief "ok, that's good, I hate keeping stuff from Gin."

Neville walked over to them and sat down next to Harry. Harry smirked "Neville you have lipstick on your cheek."

Neville blushed as red as the lipstick stain that was sported on his cheek. He flipped Harry off before turning to face the Quidditch pitch.

The game was disastrous. Goal after goal was conceded by Gryffindor. Ron was getting more and more furious. Irritability shouting at all of the team. Due to Ginny having to play seeker, the chasers were not confident at working together which caused them to not score any goals. Gryffindor was in favour of losing the game.

One hour and a half after the game started, Ginny spotted the snitch. The score was 190 to 50 with Ravenclaw in the lead. She dived through the sky, pelting after the snitch. Harry crossed his finger as he watched his girlfriend intently. Ginny's hand stretched out, reaching desperately for the snitch. Gold, glittered in the sunlight. The Ravenclaw seeker was closing in on her, his hand inching closer and closer to Ginny's.

Ginny lurched forward and swiped the snitch out of the air. She held it up triumphantly and the sea of red and gold clad students roared. Harry ran onto the pitch as Ginny landed and pulled her off her broom into a fiery kiss.

"I'm so proud of you." He mumbled.

"Thank you, it would have been easier if you were there." Ginny responded.

Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny's waist then pulled her away as they walked back to the castle together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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