13) The previous day at the Burrow

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*Yesterday lunch time at the Burrow*

Halfway through lunch Hedwig flew in through the window and landed on the table. 

"Harry wrote to me and not you Ginny haha He's my friend and not yours!" Ron shouted

"Harry wrote to me as well Ronald, If you used your eyes you would have seen there are three letters, one for me, one for you and one for oh mum and dad." Ginny responded sassily. That caused Ron to go bright red with embarrassment. 

"Mum may I be excused to write to Harry?" both Ron and Ginny asked 

Their mum nodded and the 2 teens raced up to their rooms to read and write their letters.


"Dear the most handsome boyfriend in the entire world,


Yes the two of us have completely different definitions of fine and yes sometimes you can be a bit insane but I like it when you're insane. If you weren't even a little bit insane I wouldn't have survived the chamber. It's good that you are coping and your being productive, you're multi-tasking Siri would be proud. Of course Siri would say something like that it's Siri. YOU PLAN ON MARRYING ME?!?!? YES YES YES I WILL MARRY YOU IN THE FUTURE. Does that mean we are engaged or promised to each other. I love you to Harry James Orion Potter. Congratulations on becoming an assistant professor! I like the name Thunderbird army. Don't they stand for freedom? Thanks for writing to mum and dad and thanks for warding the parchment, I asked Bill to teach the same security charm as the one you have been using so the letters I send you are also warded. Wow Sirius is a ghost/ spirit. That is great news- you can spend even more time with him before he passes on. Can you teach me what Sirius teaches you? Now I know that you are coping as Sirius isn't dead, how are you. Can't wait to see you soo.

Love your promised to be wife in the future,




Awesome you get a house to yourself can I come, actually I don't want to deal with your cooking. Congrats on your results an OO in DADA Hermione is going to be so jealous but to be honest I reckon you deserved it after a shi... (gets slapped by the author for not being PG) terrible year.



At around 6:00pm Mr Weasley returned from work where he was greeted by his wife.

"hello dear how was work?" Mrs Weasley asked

"fine thank you dear" Mr Weasley replied

"I got a letter from Harry today and I think you should see it" Mrs Weasley stated

"ok" Mr Weasley said and he started to read the letter.

30 minutes later Mr and Mrs Weasley were discussing the letter Harry sent them.

"He's such a sweet boy asking us our permission to date Ginny" Mrs Weasley announced fondly

"but potential marriage" Mr Weasley counter agued 

"Well at least we know that he truly loves her, Its harry, well even though he doesn't truly understand what love is. Remember Arthur, he saved Ginny's and your life we owe it to him to grant him this request." Molly reasoned

"You're right Molly, I don't like the fact that my baby girl is older however at least she will be cared for." Arthur responded.

"Should we invite Harry over for the rest of the summer?" Molly asked her husband

"Yes" Arthur replied quickly

He got up from the table to talk to Ginny and left his wife to write the letter to Harry

"Dear Harry

Yes we are keeping well and safe thank you for your concerns. after some considerations Arthur and I have decided to let you pursue a future with our daughter Ginny. We understand now that since you have not had much experience with love we will let you work it out ourselves, however we ask that you not go all the way until you are both of age. Would you like to come and stay with us for the rest of the summer, If so take the knightbus to our hose tomorrow? If so you'll stay in Charlie's old room which is next door to Ginny's. 

We agree to keep your relationship a secret and I thank you for warding the letters to keep us all safe. Since you are going to become a permanent part of the family, please call us Molly and Arthur.

Hoping to see you soon,

Molly and Arthur"


Arthur nocked on his daughter's room and asked, "Ginny can I come in?"

"Sure dad" Ginny replied

Ginny opened the door and let her father enter her room.

"Is anything wrong dad?" Ginny queried sounding worried

"Your mother and give you permission to date Harry and I just wanted to ask you how you feel about him." Arthur said 

"I love him dad, even if he doesn't understand it, I genuinely care about Harry not the boy who lived. I think I have found my one true love." Ginny told her father seriously

Arthur smiled, his daughter was in love and he could tell that she would one day be Mrs Ginny Potter.

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