19) Harry's birthday

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Harry woke up when Remus had transformed back into a human. He stretched and licked Remus' face before transforming back to human as well. 

"How do you feel Uncle Moony?" Harry asked

"Happy birthday Harry and I feel better than I have done in a long time" Remus replied

"thanks and that's great" Harry exclaimed.

They disapparated and when they got back to Remus' house Harry got changed. They ate breakfast and afterwards Remus handed Harry a wrapped parcel.

"Thanks Uncle Remmy" Harry exclaimed 

Remus just smiled and watched as Harry opened the parcel. Inside were a variety of photos all in wooden frames with carving on the frames. There was one of Harry with his parents titled "James, Lily and Harry Potter", one of Harry and Sirius titled "Padfoot and Prongslet" and a final one of Harry and Remus titled "Moony and Bolt". Harry had tears in his eyes as he thanked Remus who simply smiled and gave Harry a hug.

"Come on Cub it's time to go back to the Burrow" Remus said

Harry nodded then stepped into the floo.


"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted when Harry had flooed to the Burrow.

Harry gaped at the amount of people who were in the room. Ginny ran over to Harry and kissed him on the lips. "Happy birthday handsome" she whispered

"Since Sirius couldn't be here we let Remus plan it similar to how he would plan it" Molly said 

"Thank you so much" Harry exclaimed

Harry was shocked about the amount of presents he received so he just stared at them until he was pulled back into his senses by Ginny pushing him over to them. He performed a quick security charm which earned him  an approving look from Moody then he began to open his presents. He received a Quidditch book from Ron, a book on potions from Hermione as well as a small leaflet titled "the 5 stages of dealing with grief" which made him grimace. His grimace was spotted by Snape, Dumbledore, Ginny and Remus who looked at Hermione pityingly. Harry received a 3 graffitied books from Snape with a message inside saying that his mum helped him make the changes to the potions and to only share them with those he trusted.

Harry received many books and other random things and finally he came to the present from Ginny. He opened it and gasped, Inside were a set of three drawings of a shaggy black dog, a majestic stag and a detailed lily flower. There was also a slim leather notebook with gold letters spelling out a large title that said "plans, pranks and discoveries" underneath it said "Property of Hadrian James Orion Potter (Bolt)". And finally there was a framed picture of Harry and Ginny asleep under a tree together. The frame was engraved with the words "Harry and Ginny, forever and always together"

Harry couldn't say anything he just pulled Ginny into an embrace and gave her a small sweet kiss on the lips. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Hermione look disapprovingly in his direction so Harry shot her a filthy look. When the broke apart Harry had a big grin on his face and he whispered to her "Well it looks like Hermione doesn't approve of our relationship but I don't care you are the only one for me Gin." 

Ginny smiled and took Harry's hand as McGonagall walked over. "Happy birthday Harry, I came to ask you if you wanted to be the Gryffindor quidditch captain" McGonagall asked

"Hey Auntie Minnie (that caused Ginny to snort), I'm afraid I will have to decline as I feel that Ronald Weasley would be a better choice."

Although she looked annoyed, Harry could see the amusement in her eyes as she said "Mr Potter while I may be your godmother do not call me Minnie call me aunt Minerva, and if you are sure about Ronald Weasley then I will chose him"

"Okay Auntie min, and I'm sure about Ron, He'll be a much better choice" Harry replied a small smirk on his face before he walked off, holding hands with Ginny.

Minerva muttered something inaudible about Harry having spent too much time with Sirius and Remus and how she hoped Harry's job as assistant professor would stop him starting to pull pranks. 

They had a late lunch of shepherds pie and bread rolls and after they all ate large slices of birthday  cake Mrs Weasley had made. The cake was chocolate and it had 5 layers and it was decorated with a model of a dog, stag, doe, foal and a wolf. Harry couldn't stop staring at it, well until George threw a bread roll at him. Harry's seeker reflexes allowed him to catch the roll though, so he threw it and it hit George in the face making everyone laugh. 

"Damn seeker reflexes" George muttered. 

After a chorus of happy birthday everyone ate cake and people slowly started to leave. Hermione gave Harry a hug then handed him a letter before she left. When Tonks left she kissed Remus on the cheek causing Remus to go bright red. Harry saw this and when he caught Remus' eye he wore the same smirk that (In Remus' opinion)Sirius and James would wear whenever they had some good blackmail material. 

"Not a word to Sirius" Remus muttered to harr quietly

"I wasn't going to, besides he was watching the entire time." Harry whispered back laughing silently at the look on Remus' face. 

"Alright well I had better go home and prepare myself for what he will say, see you soon cub" Remus sighed, smiling slightly

"Bye uncle Remy" Harry replied still laughing

Remus flooed home and Harry went up to his room after expressing his gratitude to Molly and Arthur before he went to bed.  

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