22) The first day

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Harry woke up the next day feeling energetic and excited to get to lessons, he had read over the theory thoroughly for all his lessons so he so what they were going to be learning this year. When he got down to breakfast, Harry noticed that Hermione was giving him cold shoulder so he sat down opposite Neville.

"Hey Harry, congrats on your appointment of assistant professor," Neville said as Harry sat    

"Thanks Neville" Harry replied

As they ate the both made small talk about what they expected to come up in their NEWT exams, and what classes the were taking. After they had eaten they watched the staff table and waited for Professor McGonagall to give them their timetables.

"Mr Potter, here is your timetable, I was very proud of your OWL results." Mcgonagall handed Harry his timetable and he thought he saw a small smile appear on her lips.

Harry nodded smiling slightly before he stood up and left to get his books.

He met up with Ginny in the common room where they shared a brief kiss before they Headed in separate directions, Harry to transfiguration and Ginny to Care of Magical creatures. In transfiguration they were to start by reading through the theory of the conjuration spell. After 5 minutes Harry took out his wand an muttered "Creo" and a small figure of a cat that looked like McGonagall's animagus form. 

"Incredible Mr Potter, take 10 points to gryffindor" Professor McGonagall

"How on earth did you manage that Harry, you got it before me and I'm the smart one, you must have cheated" Hermione said prissily

"Miss Granger that will be a detention with me at 7pm" Mcgonagall stated

Hermione glared at Harry before she turned back to her reading. 

"Mr Potter you did that on your first try did you not?" after seeing Harry nod she continued by asking "How far along are you with the theory work"

"I have read through all the theory for this year" Harry replied sheepishly

"Well stay behind after class and I will test you on what you know" McGonagall said a slight smile on her face.

Harry nodded and tried (and failed) to hide his face to stop people staring at him. which caused Neville to laugh and say "Not going to work harry".

"I know thanks a lot Nev" Harry sighed before joining in with Nevilles laughter.

After transfiguration Harry had a free period so he spent it with McGonagall demonstrating his practical abilities. "Honestly Potter you are so advanced you could take the transfiguration NEWT already" Professor Mcgonagall said

Harry just gaped at his professor so she continued by asking "Yes, you really could Harry, should I contact the examiners and you could take it?" 

"Umm yeah I might as well do it" Harry replied before he asked McGonagall to show him to his office.

She nodded and led Harry up to the 7th floor near the room of requirement to an unused classroom. "You can transfigure it to look how you want and you can chose a password to enter it." McGonagall said causing Harry to grin.

He thanked the professor before he left his new office and headed to DADA. 

Harry entered the room early and saw that Remus was sat at his desk reading. "Hey Uncle Moony" Harry said.

"Hello professor Potter" Remus replied with a grin.

"Oh shut up professor Lupin" Harry retorted causing Remus to roll his eyes.

"Will you help with my lesson today?" Remus asked 

Harry nodded before he sat down at the front of the class ready for the lesson to start. 5 minutes later the class walked in and Neville and Seamus both sat down next to him.

"Pst Harry I'm sorry about last year, do you wanna spend some more time with each other this year?" Seamus whispered

"It's fine don't worry about it and yeah we should hang out more." Harry grinned

They stopped talking as Remus started to talk. "Good morning class, It's great to be teaching you all again. I'm sure most of you know this but I am a werewolf however I have access to wolfsbane potion so I will not harm any students. Today we are going to start by doing non-verbal spells, Can anyone tell me what a non-verbal spell is?"

Harry put his hand up and he was immediately followed by Hermione who shot him a glare. 

"Harry what do you think?" Remus asked

"Non-verbal spells are spells that are cast without saying an incantation. In a duel this would give you an advantage as you opponent would have no previous warning as to what spell you were going to cast"  Harry replied

"Excellent Harry take 10 points to gryffindor for a perfect answer" Remus said before getting back into 'teacher mode' and saying "as Harry said non-verbal spells are when you cast a spell silently and it does provide you with an advantage in duelling. Harry would you come up here please?" 

Harry nodded and walked up to the front of the classroom. 

"Harry I will cast a spell at you and I want you to repel it non-verbally" Remus stated

"Alright" Harry grinned.

He took his wand out and waited for Remus to cast the spell. Remus casted a stinging hex and Harry managed to repel it silently before sending a silent disarming charm at him. His charm caught Remus off guard causing Remus' wand to be pulled from his grasp and flying into the air. Harry's speedy seeker reflexes allowed him to catch the wand swiftly. He sent Remus a cheeky grin and twirled his wand between his fingers. 

"Nice job Harry, take 15 points to gryffindor, may I have my wand back please?" Remus asked before turning back to the class. When his back was turned Harry cast a non-verbal colour changing charm and  stick a piece of paper to his back that said "In male pms the full night of the cycle is always the worst."

The rest of the class sniggered and Harry threw Remus' wand to him. He caught it and asked "Can anyone tell me what Harry did correctly, Susan you have a go?"

Susan Bones a small red-headed girl answered with confidence saying, "Harry caught you off guard, he disarmed you at the end ensuring his victory,"

"Correct, well done now for the last 10 minutes I want you to pair up and practice non-verbal casting." Remus instructed his class. 

Everyone stood up and paired up. Harry walked over to Remus and started having a whispered discussion. They were talking about Harry's plans for the TA and what he planned on covering.

"I plan on starting with disarming charms for the new members of the TA, the new members will be in a separate class from the old members as the old members are a lot more further ahead." Harry replied to Remus' unasked question

"That's a good idea," Remus said before telling the class that it was time for lunch. 

Everyone left to get lunch and Harry raced to see Ginny. 

"Hey Gin, how's your day been so far" Harry greeted her wish a small kiss as they walked down to the hall. 

"Hey handsome, its been ok I had Hagrid just now and I had bins first thing which is sad what about you," Ginny smiled

"Had Mcgonagall first then I had Remus, after dinner would you like to set up an office" Harry asked

"Yeah i'd love to help" Ginny said as they sat down 

The rest of their lessons passed quickly, Harry had herbology and care of magical creatures whilst Ginny had charms and astronomy. After they ate dinner they headed to Harry's office to decorate it. 

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