35) After the battle

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Harry walked into his office, only to find Professor McGonagall waiting there for him.

"Ah Mr Potter, I have finally found you,  do you know anything about the battle that occurred in hogsmeade about an hour ago"

Harry confidently shook his head and just as she turned to leave Ginny ran in.

"Harry where have you been"

"I was in the room of requirement"

Ginny stared at him then looked at professor McGonagall before nodding slightly.

"Well Potter, you should probably know that there was a fight in Hogsmeade just now," McGonagall stated calmly.

Harry feigned surprise and stated "there was a fight in Hogsmeade?"

Ginny saw right through his fake shock and it appeared as though her anger that was in her eyes had been replaced by a sparkle that showed that she was trying to keep in her laughter. She now knew where he had actually been and she couldn't be mad at him really, he was being Harry.

"Yes, a man named Evan Jameson showed up and basically one handidly took down the whole squad of death eaters - it was remarkable. Do recognise the name?" McGonagall questioned suspiciously

Harry shook his head, "no it doesn't ring a bell."

"Very well, enjoy the rest of your evening Mr Potter." McGonagall said before walking out.

As she walked out, Harry was sure he heard her mutter "something feels off, how did Evan Jameson know what he did."

When the door had shut, Ginny punched Harry on the arm very had.

"Oww Ginny that hurt," Harry moaned

"Serves you right for not telling me where you were going. I was sat in the common room waiting for you. I had to listen to my brother and Hermione jabbering on and on."

"I'm sorry Gin," Harry sighed

"It's ok," she responded.

Harry turned and faced her then gently placed his lips on hers. He placed his hands on her waist and as she ran her hands through his messy hair. They were very happy.

However their moment was cut short by a knock at the door. Ginny pulled away reluctantly and Harry stridded across his office towards the door. He opened it and outside stood a small first former.

"E-e-exuse me is this Pr-professor Potter's office?" The tiny blond first former asked, her voice quaking slightly.

Harry smiled encouragingly and responded "yes, I am Professor potter, what do you need"

The small blonde girl held up a scroll and stated slightly more confidently having been reassured by Harry's calming demeanor "I have been asked to give you this, it is from Professor Lupin."

Harry took the scroll and responded "thank you very much Miss..."

"Hollow, Jane Hollow." She added in response to Harry's unasked question.

"Thank you Miss Hollow. I shall award 3 points to Hufflepuff for you help."

Jane blushed, muttered a great full thank you then scampered away.

Harry shut the door then opened the scroll.

I am not surprised that you showed up to a battle that does not include you however if you choose to I will not stop you from coming to future battles. I shall recommend that you join the order since I believe you will be better fighting the death eaters than sitting around trying to scavenge information. Tomorrow is a full moon and it is Halloween, would you like to spend it together since it is the 15 year anniversary of that awful Halloween. Come to me in the morning and give me a hug as I will need it. I am very proud of you and what you achieved earlier so I will treat you to something and you can't say no - it will be a special uncle-nephew treat.
Uncle Remus
P.S. never call me moon pie"

As he finished reading the letter Harry laughed. It felt nice to have a father figure that was proud of him and that allowed him to be active in the war. Harry suddenly had an idea that would take his mind off the dark and depressing day that others celebrate as Halloween.

"Ynow Gin, since the first quidditch is approaching, I am starting to feel more frustrating and upset than ever. He took away the one thing in my life that has brought me so much joy since I started Hogwarts. One thing I don't understand is that Ron saw what no quidditch did to me last year so why would he do it to me this year? I am not normally someone who wants revenge however this one time I do. What would you say if I asked you to help me prank your brother?"

"I'm in" Ginny grinned.

"Great, so here's what we are going to do..." Harry started, feeling great that he had something to take his mind off tomorrow.

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