34) Battle at Hogsmeade

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After coming back from Hogsmeade with Ginny, Harry went to his office to practice some of the Transfiguration he needed to know for his NEWTs, (McGonagall informed him that the exam invigilators had agreed to let him take some of his NEWTs early since he was so advanced). 

Harry sat in front of a mirror and began to practice human transfiguration. He started by cautiously trying to change the colour of his hair. He thought for a moment then after whispering the incantation his hair changed from jet-black to fiery ginger. He took a long hard look at himself and realised that he looked almost identical to his mother he smiled slightly and wondered how people would react to him looking like this. Just as he was about to change it back, a large wolf Patronus came bounding into his office. 

"Harry, there is a battle in Hogsmeade, if you want to help come in disguise." Remus' Patronus stated in his calming voice. 

Harry grabbed his battle robes and cloak, shoved them on then fled out of his office. As soon as he made it out of the main entrance, he transformed into his bald eagle Animagus and flew as fast as he could towards Hogsmeade.

He arrived in the thick of the battle however it unfortunately looked like it was going bad for the order of the phoenix. He quickly transformed back into his human form and used a charm to make his voice different so that no one recognised it was him. After having done that, he sprang into action, sending curses, hexes and jinxes towards any death eater he could see. That got everyone's attention, all the death eaters turned and started to fire curse after curse at him however he dogged, weaved and rolled out the way of all of them sending spells of his own back at them. Due to the death eaters not moving out the way to save their energy, every single spell he fired hit one. Within a few minutes most of the weaker death eaters were lying on the floor and only the more dangerous ones such as Bellatrix and Lucius were left. 

"Why hello there Bellatrix, how nice to see you" Harry stated, his voice thick with sarcasm

"Who are you, scum" she responded in her high, cackling voice

"I can be your worst nightmare if you want me to" Harry responded smirking

"Your powers cannot match mine scumbag" She sneered

"Bring it on B*tch" Harry growled

Harry shot spell after spell at Bellatrix however she dogged a few of them. He then decided to use the most violent spells he knew. Black and Potter family spells. He found the spell books for these in the potter vault and in Sirius' vault. When Harry cast one of the Black family spells (A special fire whip) Bellatrix gasped. She recognised the spell and that made her nervous, she had never managed to grasp family spells however this unknown person was using them against her.

"This is for my uncle" Harry said through gritted teeth as he directed the flaming whip towards her.

The fire whip wrapped around Bellatrix like a snake and squeezed her, burning her skin. She screamed in pain then somehow manages to disapparate. 

"That motherf***ing b*tch" Harry cursed in annoyance. 

He turned around to see the order staring at him in amazement. Remus started to clap and Harry bowed theatrically. 

"You have some amazing moves laddie, where did you learn to manipulate magic like that" Mad-eye asked curiously 

"My uncle" Harry grinned 

Some of the low-level death eaters started to move so Harry wandlessly tied them up and silenced them. 

The order members stared at him and Kingsley asked "Have you ever considered being an auror Mr...?"

"Jameson, Evan Jameson. I have considered being an auror however I plan to wait a year or so when I am older and have finished my studies." Harry responded calmly

"May I ask how you found out about what was going on here" Dumbledore asked

"My father was an old friend of Remus and Sirius. My father and Remus were childhood friends and Sirius and my father met in the Christmas holidays once.  I had briefly met with Remus in the summer, I told him about my training and I offered to help in battles against death eaters." Harry explained, making a lot of it up on the spot.

"Well I don't know about you lot, but I think that Mr Jameson should be a part of the order and teach us some of his spell work," Tonks suggested 

The rest of the order seemed to agree so Dumbledore suggested that I meet with the order tomorrow when they had a meeting. Remus approached me after most people had gone home and grinned at me "Nice to see you Evan."

"Nice to see you too Moon pie" I smirked

"You're as bad as your father as. Amazing spell use out there" he stated

Harry grinned in thanks then turned to walk back up to Hogwarts with Remus.

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