29) Sirius

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When Harry got back to the common room, Ginny was waiting for him, he kissed her briefly on the lips before giving her the run down of what happened in McGonagall's office.

"I still can't believe Ron would do that" Harry said

"Well, he can be as bigoted as Malfoy sometimes, he needs to understand that the world is not split into black and white." Ginny replied

Harry nodded then got out one of his books that he got for his birthday and sat down on one of the old, squishy armchairs to read, Ginny sat on his lap reading along with him. After they had only read a page, they were interrupted by Ron storming in through the portrait hole and when he saw Harry and Ginny curled up together in one of the armchairs he shouted "Oi, keep your filthy hands of my sister you snitching piece of filth."

Harry looked up calmly and just stared at Ron before calmly saying "Ronald, I assure you your sister chose to sit where she is sitting now I would recommend that you keep your mouth shut before I will have to take points for being disrespectful to a teacher "

Ron just stormed back out of the common room grumbling. 

"I'm going to turn in early Gin as I'm rather tired after today" Harry sighed

"Ok, night Harry" Ginny responded, she kissed him on the cheek before walking over to some of the girls in her dorm to chat.

Harry dragged his feet up the stairs to his dorm before collapsing on his bed.

As he drifted off to sleep the ghostly figure of Sirius bobbed into view.

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed "It feels like it's been ages"

"Hey kiddo, how have you been" Sirius replied hugging Harry father-like.

Harry vented to sirius about what had happened since  his return to school, and Sirius just let him talk. Sirius was a great listener and when Harry had finished talking, he reassured him that he did nothing wrong before the began to do some light training.

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